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[iaoa-general] Public report of EC meeting

To: iaoa-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Stefano Borgo <borgo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 10:19:54 +0200
Message-id: <FA3C537F-6854-4E7F-A149-6B97D4472D1C@xxxxxxxxxx>
Dear all,

please find below the public report of the 7th IAOA Executive Council meeting.

All the public reports are collected at

Stefano Borgo
on behalf of the IAOA EC


Seventh meeting of the IAOA Executive Council (EC)
Public Report (8 Sept 2009)

NicolaGuarino (chair)

The web page for registration and payment is ready. Today we submitted the last changes (mainly English corrections) to the programmer. This week the EC members will register using the on-line system. After this step, the web site will be made public and it will be possible to anyone to register to the IAOA.

An introductory page on ontology will be added to the IAOA web site by the end of the month.

The relationship among IAOA.org, formalontology.org and the FOIS conferences web sites needs to be analyzed. This will be discussed during next meeting.

Oliver Kutz (University of Bremen) is now in charge of the maintenance/update of the IAOA web pages and related issues.

The IAOA mailing list has now more than 300 subscriptions. Public announcements about the association are made in several conferences and announcement boards. The reactions are positive.

The IAOA EC is considering the constitution of a network of institutes devoted to ontology research promotion and support. The network could constitute a framework for the organization of conferences, summer schools etc. A decision will be taken at next meeting.

After a first check, it turns out that there are not many education initiatives on ontology. 
The definition of a standard curriculum for ontologists is an important step to increase awareness and to activate new education opportunities.

(End of Report)

Stefano Borgo
Researcher, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), ISTC-CNR
Member, Int. Association for Ontologies and its Applications (IAOA) 
via alla Cascata 56/C, Povo I-38100, Trento
phone:  +39 0461 314873  fax: +39 0461 314875

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