Dear all, (01)
I propose to discuss on-line the grant scheme IAOA will adopt for the
two IAOA events FOIS and the summer school this year, in order to take a
decision at our EC meeting next week. (02)
NB: I do not know if a grant scheme is needed also for the
OntologySummit symposium, below I'm assuming it's not. Peter? (03)
I'm adding the Education committee in the loop, as I think its views are
relevant. (04)
Facts: (05)
1- IAOA has now about 15000E in bank
Some more is expected for late renewals, and for those new members who
will join to attend the summer school (required) or FOIS (encouraged by
the reduced fees). Guessing, at least 1000E more. (06)
2- There is not yet any provisional budget for 2012 (due in april).
We need to keep enough money to be able to face potential losses at IAOA
events (FOIS and summer school) and support other activities like SIGs,
and maintain a small capital for next year. (07)
3- the provisional budget of 2011 included 2500E of grants for the
summer institute, that we didn't spend (we actually gained almost 500E
in memberships sponsorized by the Vespucci institute). (08)
4- current proposed fees for FOIS only, student, IAOA member, early: 195E. (09)
5- estimated early fees for summer school: 150E students - 200E regular
(latest news!!) (010)
6- other institutions/companies may be sponsorizing grants for FOIS and
the summer school - not sure when we will know (011)
Proposals to be discussed: (012)
a- Spend max 5000E on grants this year (013)
b- Mainly offer grants in the form of fee waivers to IAOA student members (014)
c- Preference given on the basis of country (see country classification
for IAOA membership) (015)
d- Open additional possibility to request special fundings to cover
fee/accommodation/trip for a few motivated special cases (016)
e- Deadline for grant applications: April 8 (1 week before the deadline
for early FOIS & summer school registration) (017)
e- the Education committee handles the applications for grants and
decides to whom to give them (018)
f- number of fee-waiver grants (b) based on 1, 2 and a:
15 for the summer school + 12 for FOIS, for a cost of 4590E (019)
f'- another possibility is 10+10 for a total of 3450E, keeping the rest
for special grants (d) (020)
g- special grants (d) given on the basis of sponsorship available at the
time and updated estimate of registrations (ie, expected benefits or
losses and accordingly increasing or decreasing the limit in a) (021)
Laure (022)
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