Please see agenda below and and
register with our meeting host, John Weiland at JRWeiland@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Teleconference information will be provided on the Wiki page soon. (01)
You are welcome to attend any or all of the October 18-20th meeting (02)
Thank you for your support of our CoP
Brand Niemann
SICoP, Chair
Web Page:
Wiki Page with SICoP Calendar: (03)
Semantic Interoperability Architecture Pilot #6
Semantic Interoperability at Work:
Improving Rapid First Response
20 October 2005
10:00 a.m. Introduction of Team Members
Rex Brooks,, Inc, Starbourne Communications Design
co-chair OASIS Emergency Management Messages and Notification
Adam Hocek, Broadstrokes, Inc.(Tentative)
Elysa Jones, (Presenting for Claudia Bitner, MyStateUSA)
Warning Systems, Inc,
chair OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee
Denis Stasaulis, MCI (available for questions related to
MyStateUSA's Network)
Barbara Allen, TargusInfo
Team Members Not Attending:
David Ellis, Sandia National Laboratories
Harry Haury, Nuparadigm
Team Members Unconfirmed:
Timothy E. Taylor, Oracle Corp.
Susie Stephens, Oracle Corp.
10:15 a.m. Slide Presentation part 1: Semantic Interoperability at Work:
What does Semantic Interoperability Mean?
What Part do Standards Play in Semantic Interoperability?
What does a Semantic Interoperability Architecture Look Like?
10:45 a.m. Questions for part 1
11:00 a.m. Slide Presentation part 2: Improving Rapid First Response
Original Timeline of Graniteville Incidental
New Timeline
11:15 a.m. Demonstration
CAP Alert from Train Sensor Sequence
Local Alerting Activation
Reverse 911 Alerting Application
Geospatial Application
11:45 a.m. Questions
= (04)
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