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RE: [health-ont] Existing ontology

To: "[health-ont] " <health-ont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Chute, Christopher G., M.D." <chute@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2005 10:30:15 -0500
Message-id: <612151C538ADD51196E70002B330CFA008F3C671@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Actually, a major component of VistA found its way to become the basis of the NDF-RT (National Drug Formulary, Reference Terminology) which is now a full-rank source in the UMLS.  Sadly, the version there is somewhat out of date.  I attach a manuscript I wrote with Steve Brown from the VA, and others, which expands that source for pharmacogenomics use.  While the title emphasizes the pharmacokinetics issues, it also includes a reasonable description of the NDF-RT.





From: health-ont-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:health-ont-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mark Roest
Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2005 2:51 AM
To: health-ont@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [health-ont] Existing ontology


Has the group considered the very large medical care ontology embodied in VistA, the VA hospital information management system with hundreds of vertical applications? is taking it open source and free, very actively now. If your work can be tailored to augment their work, in collaboration with them, it might strengthen the most important medical informatics system in existence.


[I do not know enough about the technical aspects of your work, or of VistA, to know if it is a fit, and I am not a programmer. But if it would help prepare OpenVistA for being extended into health care knowledgebases, perhaps your involvement would be welcomed.]


VistA has resulted in an 85% reduction in wrong drug administration and top rankings on Quality of Care indices among large hospital systems in the United States. It's defining characteristic is its design for participation by the users in its development and maintenance.




Mark Roest

Mark Roest


oneVillage Initiative - Holistic ICT Development for Eco Living

Sustainable development and technologies

1.510-461-6405 (new number, please note)


Attachment: Pharmacogenomics_NDF.pdf
Description: Binary data

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