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Re: [cctont-imp] Re: CCT-SUMO mappings

To: CCT Ontology Implementation <cctont-imp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Garret Minakawa <Garret.Minakawa@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 17:41:43 -0700
Message-id: <40E35DC7.46685CED@xxxxxxxxxx>
I would vote for moving the 10am call to 5pm.  Due to issues with SIGMA
availability, I haven't really made any progress since my last update.    (01)

garret    (02)

"Peter P. Yim" wrote:    (03)

> I've booked the Fri 7/2 10am (California time) call already. Guess those
> who might be joining us at the call has already received the
> "invitation" separately. To avoid confusion, ... that call is going to
> be ON, unless we mutually decide otherwise (see below).
> That said, I am real happy to have had an exchange with Tim McGrath just
> now ... he is back in Western Australian already (after a trip to
> China). He can actually join us at the call, if it is scheduled at a
> more "firendly" time (its 1:00am in the morning, as it is now ... and
> that is "not firendly" by any standard, I guess). He suggested that any
> time after 5pm California time (8am in Western Australia; and 8:00pm
> EDT) should work for him even this Friday (Saturday for him).
> Question: (particularly to Adam & Garret) ...
> (a) should we continue to do our Fri 7/2 10am PDT call, and consider
> doing another short one to sync up with Tim again at 5pm (PDT) that
> afternoon, or
> (b) consider rescheduling the 10am to a 5pm PDT call that day (Fri
> 2004.07.02)?
> Of course, either option is predicated on the availability of both you
> guys (Adam & Garret). I am OK with both options (a) & (b).
> Please advise what you think, Adam & Garret ... others too, if you had
> planned to join in the call this Friday.
> Thanks & regards.  -ppy
> --
> Adam Pease wrote Sat, 26 Jun 2004 19:03:59 -0700:
> > Hi Peter,
> >   Friday at 10am works for me.
> >
> > Adam
> >
> > At 03:12 PM 6/26/2004 -0700, Peter Yim wrote:
> >
> >> Adam,
> >>
> >> Many thanks for putting in the additional work.
> >>
> >> I can't look at your attachment in detail now ... but just wanted to
> >> post a short note to acknowledge receipt of this newer version of the
> >> mapping, and to say thank you.
> >>
> >> For the time being, let's rename your update (as you attached it)  as
> >> "CCTONT-worksheet-v0-3b.html".
> >>
> >> I comment further when I can get around to studying it.
> >>
> >> Have a good vacation. Talk to you when you return.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> PPY
> >>
> >> P.S. By the way, (both Adam & Garret) please indicate if the Fri
> >> 2004.07.02 10:00am PDT call time OK with you guys. Tx.  -ppy
> >> --
> >>
> >>
> >> Adam Pease wrote Sat, 26 Jun 2004 08:43:34 -0700:
> >>
> >>> Folks,
> >>>   I made a little progress at expanding the mappings, but have not
> >>> addressed most of Garrett's comments.  I'll hope to resume when back
> >>> on Friday.  Sorry I wasn't able to do more.
> >>> Adam
> >>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>
> >>> Attachment: file:CCTONT-worksheet-v0-3a.html
> >>
> >>         [ppy] let's rename this as
> >>               "CCTONT-worksheet-v0-3b.html" for the time being.
> >>
> >>
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