Gunther sent this in last week. Given the nature of the
comments, we need to ensure we address these as part of our review
process. I would like these added to the issues list.
From: Stuhec, Gunther
Sent: Fri 6/18/2004 3:05
To: 'ubl-comment@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Cc: Von Riegen,
Subject: [ubl-comment] Review and comments of OASIS Universal
Business Language (UBL) V1.0
Hello all,
regrets for sending our comments after the deadline.
I was in vacation, therefore I couldn't sent our comments earlier. I hope you'll
still recognize our comments.
We have reviewed the OASIS Universal Business
Language (UBL) V1.0 in detail and we're strongly in favor with the statement:
"These document assembly models are then transformed in accordance with UBL
Naming and Design Rules into W3C XSD schema syntax.". We compared the schemas of
the UBL libraries with the rules of wd-ublndrsc-ndrdoc-V1pt0Draftp and have seen
a high number of discrepancies. The following list shows only the most serious
- The overall schema structures are not based on the
rules of chapter 3.1.
- The namespaces are
not based on the namespace rules of chapter 3.4.2 (Namespace Uniform Resource
- Each attribute names do not
based on the conventions of chapter 4.4 (Attribute Naming Rules).
- The structure of the annotations are not similar
to the definitions in chapter 3.7
- The
codelist representation are completely different as described in chapter 6 (Code
Lists). Especially the code list namespaces do not based on the rules [CDLX] and
Furthermore, we have seen that there is no
consistency in the tag names of BBIEs and ASBIEs. Some of tag names using the
"Object Class Term" and others not. Some of the tag names are prefixed by
namespace prefix and others not. This kind of inconsistency does not allow us an
efficient and reusable implementation of the components (ABIE, BBIE and ASBIE),
because these requires for every qualified form of component an individual
development of the interface. Therefore, we're still highly recommending the
usage of "Venetian Blind" approach instead of "Garden of Eden" apprach, because
the "Venetian Blind" approach can solve all mentioned
Kind regards,
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