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Re: [bsp-forum] 2 proposed slides and setting up contact with OPS Dec 18

To: "Bob Smith" <bobsmithttl@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Building Service Performance (BSP) Forum" <bsp-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "ibcomm@xxxxxxx" <ibcomm@xxxxxxx>
From: "Deborah MacPherson" <debmacp@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 13:52:36 -0500
Message-id: <48f213f30812051052p7dc8266ei5ea3f7d522b6c2bb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sounds good. Have you directly spoken with Kimon Onuma about this scenario and potential BIMstorm demo?

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Bob Smith <bobsmithttl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Deborah,
In general, your discussion makes good sense to me. Just how much static data can be applied where needed, and how much of the needed/critical dynamic data can be provided is important. Others know more about this than I do.
I'm interested in extending your last paragraph into a User Test Case scenario, and identifying performance issues not yet obvious.
Thanks again,

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 8:31 AM, Deborah MacPherson <debmacp@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Everyone, 

Please see two proposed slides for comments

KeyboxPoint which makes adjustments to the diagram I had before to add the PSAP, accommodate Alan's comments for example the PSAP should be after 9-1-1, extending the semi-auto populated data fields behind the whole upper area etc. The purpose is to show a system that could work together designed to a fully functional building in a fully functional city. This would be the point where the Digital Keybox comes in to open up all the necessary communication channels like a masterkey so the CSA, 9-1-1, responders and so on could access relevant building data in real time.  

Next, titled SB30Point turns all of the previous way down to continue with the OGC graphic, using the bottom left side for the building information to coincide with the NG9-1-1, CSAN, PSAP and BISACS Integration slide. What both the OGC and NG9-1-1 graphics have in common is the distinction the building vs the security/fire systems. Bottom left and right in the NG9-1-1 slide, above and below in the OGC drill down. 

I put the BBS at OGC "System", and CAP at OGC "Overlay". Nothing is a perfect fit, nevertheless, next because BPS is between BBS and CAP, it is placed where OGC has "Space". 9-1-1 is placed at "Installation/Region", PSAP is placed at "City", the Phone System is placed at "Site". Then there are passing arrows and labels for NIEM Alarm Exchange and NEMA SB30. I'm still working on how to represent the standard access point in and out of each of these servers or even which direction the arrows should point. 

Want to make sure this is right and catch back up with David Coggershell to work out details for talking with Kimon Onuma, perhaps in 2 stages. There is a buildingSMART alliance conference here in DC next week which I will attend on Thursday and maybe the ground work could be laid if time permits. Then BobSmith and I are aiming for a 1-1/2 hour meeting with Kimon Onuma at OPS in Pasedena on the 18th, conferencing David Coggeshell in on the phone along with whomever would like to discuss CAD>BIM>GIS>XML in OPS to render and communicate static floorplans with live data overlays. 

In addition to the building David is working on, still more buildings will needed for the proof of concept. I'm really interested in the BIMstorm templates to develop typical assemblies or groups of building information shown graphically by type using standard colors. For example, the fire department could quickly see what kinds of buildings are in their area, automatically triggered in GIS by an OmniClass Table 11 classification built into the BIMs. 

Another benefit of BIMstorm could be Finith Jernigan's fire station coverage studies and back tracking to show what kinds of buildings are in each of these service areas. The building footprints could be used with varying color saturation to show which buildings each fire department should respond to, be lighter for buildings where one fire station may help another fire station. Show which buildings a CSA monitors, ultimately working towards a graph in the great wide open that could be useful for volunteer fireman on a very simple GIS level that does not reveal hardly any building data.  The NIST problem is more complicated than that but its all heading in the same direction for the same purpose which is increasing public safety and communication using modern communication systems (even if these are not available in most buildings or cities yet)




Deborah L. MacPherson CSI CCS, AIA
Projects Director, Accuracy&Aesthetics
Specifications and Research, WDG Architecture



Deborah L. MacPherson CSI CCS, AIA
Projects Director, Accuracy&Aesthetics
Specifications and Research, WDG Architecture

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