On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 5:30 PM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Bob & Finith,
> ...[snip] ...
> 7. I am copying this to the [bsp-forum] list as well (as a test). If
> this message shows up on the archive in 15 minutes (or so), then we
> now things should indeed be working.
> Let's see ... Regards. =ppy (01)
[ppy] I did get the last message in my inbox and can see it on the
archive now (ref.
http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/bsp-forum/2008-06/msg00049.html ), and
can therefore confirm (from my end) that both delivery and archival of
posts to [bsp-forum] should be working properly (as of this writing.) (02)
Note that some email systems (gmail, for one) automatically discards
duplicated messages ... therefore you may or may not get the message
twice if you are both on the "to" or "cc", and, at the same time, is a
subscriber that is expecting a distributed copy. (03)
Cheers. =ppy
-- (04)
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