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[bsp-forum] Energy Dictionary

To: "BSP Forum" <bsp-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Deborah MacPherson" <debmacp@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 7 May 2008 11:14:22 -0400
Message-id: <48f213f30805070814t4318beb4r9973c3e23f7112c6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi BSP -

I just received an energy dictionary from Dave Conover at the International Code Council. His explanation is as follows "This was derived from the ICC energy code and can certainly provide a foundation for other energy-related documents (ASHRAE 90.1, USGBC criteria, 10 CFR Part 435, etc.) with maybe the need for additional terms and properties should what we have developed not completely address what is covered in those documents (for instance another property for roofs is reflectance and emissivity that could be added as properties of roofing materials).  In addition there may be other issues such as cost that are properties of materials that while not code relevant other use cases would want to append.  The concept is as we develop these to provide them to the Alliance as well as CSI and others.  Through CSI we hope to build a US dictionary and upload US information to the IFD.  We also develop MVDs from this, which will be available to others as well.  Clearly it makes sense to have everyone on the same page and working together."

The Alliance is BuildingSmart
CSI is the Construction Specification Institute
IFD is International Framework for Dictionaries
MVDs are Model View Definitions

I'm going to start pouring over this to see how it fits with the building templates. Bob - can you please describe more about "Factors to use in answering 92 queries required of 17 parts of an Environmental Assessment in the State of California" maybe this can be an example?




Deborah L. MacPherson
Projects Director, Accuracy&Aesthetics
Specifier, WDG Architecture PLLC


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