OntologySummit2007 Survey/ResponseAnalysis

Latest Version:http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologySummit2007/survey/wip/ResponseAnalysis-terms-20070412.html
Date Issued:2007-04-12T15:44:15Z
Status:Work in progress
Description:OntologySummit2007 Survey/ResponseAnalysis Alphabetical list of terms for "ontology"

Alphabetical list of terms for "ontology"

CalledAnOntology is the average of answers to the question: Would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community? While the sample is too small for statistically significant results, the answers were reasonably consistent.

Business Rule DesignA framework for building multi-level conditional (If..Then...Else) statements with an underlying ontology for connecting the antecedents and the consequents [Bob Smith, Ph.D.]12.0
Classification 12.0
Concept systemSet of concepts and the relations among them [Dan Gillman]14.0
Content Modelsdescribes how content in a CMS is structured and how different types of content can relate to each other [Karen Loasby]13.0
Controlled Terminologyset of terms representing the system of concepts of a particular subject field [Chintan Patel]13.0
controlled vocabulary / thesaurusThe Metathesaurus is a very large, multi-purpose, and multi-lingual vocabulary database that contains information about biomedical and health related concepts, their various names, and the relationships among them. [Olivier Bodenreider]13.0
Controlled vocabulary thesaurusIt consists of sets of terms naming descriptors in a hierarchical structure that permits searching at various levels of specificity [Ken Baclawski]15.0
data dictionariesa list of natural language definitions for application specific data [Doug Holmes]12.0
domain modeltypically a UML model of a software application domain [Doug Holmes]12.0
enterprise knowledge basea natural language/ textual description of organizational "knowledge" about specified topics [Doug Holmes]12.0
Entity Relationship DiagramA model of (entity) concpets and relations from which a database schema is developed [Doug Holmes]13.0
Entity Relationship Model/Data ModelA collection of entity types possessing attributes and related by relationships, including subtype/supertype relationships [Matthew West]13.0
First Order Logic OntologyA computer interpretable collection of classes, relations, and rules that together provide a theory of what exists for some domain expressed in a version of First Order Logic. [Matthew West]15.0
FolksonomyA folksonomy is a user generated taxonomy used to categorize and retrieve Web pages, photographs, Web links and other web content using open ended labels called tags. Typically, folksonomies are Internet-based, but their use may occur in other contexts as well. The process of folksonomic tagging is intended to make a body of information increasingly easier to search, discover, and navigate over time. A well-developed folksonomy is ideally accessible as a shared vocabulary that is both originated by, and familiar to, its primary users. Two widely cited examples of websites using folksonomic tagging are Flickr and del.icio.us, although it has been suggested that Flickr is not a good example of folksonomy [Robert Steele]43.0
formal ontologyVocabulary of terms together with a set of expressions in a formal logic (with syntax and model theory) [Michael Gruninger]15.0
GlossaryA list of terms with agreed natural language definitions arranged in alphabetical order [Matthew West]11.0
Hierarchical TaxonomyClassification Scheme - World Bank Topics [Denise Bedford]11.0
Library Classification schemesThe classification scheme is a collection of subject classes [Nabonita Guha]13.0
logical theory, upper ontologya logical theory about aspects or domains of the real world [Leo Obrst]25.0
MetadataData that defines and describes other data [Dan Gillman]13.0
Metadata SchemeSet of metadata attributes which are required for all WB content. [Denise Bedford]12.0
MetathesaurusVocabulary database. The term Metathesaurus draws on Webster's Dictionary third definition for the prefix "meta," i.e., "more comprehensive, transcending." In a sense, the Metathesaurus transcends the specific thesauri, vocabularies, and classifications it encompasses. [Ken Baclawski]14.0
ModelA set of inter-related documents that describe an IT service or system. Each model consists of two disjoint subsets of documents: genic documents and phenic documents. [Carl Mattocks]12.0
Network Taxonomy (sometimes called semantic network or thesaurus)Extended thesaurus structure of deep concepts (not words!!!) [Denise Bedford]13.0
nomenclature 11.0
Object Information Modelrepresents the types of information about members of a class or meta-information about a class itself [Hans Teijgeler]15.0
OntologyIn both computer science and information science, an ontology is a data model that represents a set of concepts within a domain and the relationships between those concepts. It is used to reason about the objects within that domain. [Robert Steele]174.5
ontology (computer science)An ontology is a specification of a conceptualization (Tom Gruber/1993) [Tom Gruber]15.0
ontology (philosophy)the study of being or existence [Tom Gruber]11.0
Ontology ModelA model of the ontology. [Chris Partridge]1 
OWL OntologyA collection of formal classes and relationships using the OWL language that are theory of what exists for some domain. [Matthew West]15.0
Reference ModelA abstract model capturing the major concepts of a systems and the relationships amongst them [Duane Nickull]14.0
Ring Taxonomy (synonyms)Set of equivalent terms, including predecessors, successors, variant lexical forms, abbreviations, variant spellings, other language forms, etc. [Denise Bedford]11.0
schema (??) 13.0
Semantic data modelA graphic representation of the things of significance to an organization and the relationships among them. The relationships are named so as to represent assertions about the nature of the organization. [David Hay]13.0
Semantic networkThe Semantic Network consists of (1) a set of broad subject categories, or Semantic Types, that provide a consistent categorization of all concepts represented in the UMLS Metathesaurus, and (2) a set of useful and important relationships, or Semantic Relations, that exist between Semantic Types. [Olivier Bodenreider]24.0
tag clouda group of tags of varying sizes, depending on popularity [Lisa Dawn Colvin]13.0
tag libraryinformal organization of xml tags [Doug Holmes]12.0
TaxonomyTaxonomy, sometimes alpha taxonomy, is the science of describing, categorising and naming organisms, thus giving rise to taxa. [Robert Steele]52.5
ThesaurusA controlled vocabulary used for information retrieval by providing metadata values for index and classifying resources and browsing collections. [Paul King]33.0
upper ontologyAn upper ontology is limited to concepts that are meta, generic, abstract and philosophical, and therefore are general enough to address (at a high level) a broad range of domain areas. Concepts specific to given domains will not be included; however, this standard will provide a structure and a set of general concepts upon which domain ontologies (e.g. medical, financial, engineering, etc.) could be constructed. [IEEE-SUO/http://suo.ieee.org/] [Peter Yim]15.0