Uses of Interface

Packages that use TermType
oor.model Interfaces used by the OOR. 
oor.modules.lang Ontology language modules. 

Uses of TermType in oor.model

Methods in oor.model that return TermType
 TermType Term.getTermType()
          Return the type of this term.

Methods in oor.model that return types with arguments of type TermType
 java.util.List<TermType> OntologyLanguage.listTermTypes()
          List the types of terms associated with this language.

Uses of TermType in oor.modules.lang

Methods in oor.modules.lang that return types with arguments of type TermType
 java.util.List<TermType> OWL.listTermTypes()
 java.util.List<TermType> CommonLogic.listTermTypes()