Uses of Interface

Packages that use Module
oor.impl Non-module implementation classes. 
oor.model Interfaces used by the OOR. 
oor.modules.federation Federation modules. 
oor.modules.gatekeeper Gatekeeper modules. 
oor.modules.lang Ontology language modules. 
oor.modules.mapping Ontology mapping modules. 
oor.modules.metadata Metadata vocabulary modules. 
oor.modules.registry Registry modules. 
oor.modules.repository Repository modules. 
oor.modules.ui User interface modules. 

Uses of Module in oor.impl

Methods in oor.impl that return types with arguments of type Module
 java.util.List<Module> OOR.getModules()

Methods in oor.impl with parameters of type Module
 void OOR.addModule(Module module)

Uses of Module in oor.model

Subinterfaces of Module in oor.model
 interface Federation
          A module that federates information from another registry.
 interface GateKeeper
          A module that checks constraints and/or restricts operations on the OOR.
 interface MappingModule
          A module which performs automated or semi-automated ontology mapping.
 interface MetaData
          Metadata associated with OOR content.
 interface OntologyLanguage
          An ontology language (such as OWL or Common Logic) supported by the OOR.
 interface Registry
          A registry records metadata about an ontology without storing the ontology itself.
 interface Repository
          A repository stores the ontology along with its metadata.
 interface UserInterface
          A module that provides an interface designed for human use.

Methods in oor.model that return types with arguments of type Module
 java.util.List<Module> OOR.getModules()
          List all modules used by this OOR.

Methods in oor.model with parameters of type Module
 void OOR.addModule(Module module)
          Add a module to this OOR.

Uses of Module in oor.modules.federation

Classes in oor.modules.federation that implement Module
 class BioPortal
          Federate information from a BioPortal instance.
 class DAML
          Federate information from the DAML Ontology Library.
 class OOR
          Federate information to/from another OOR instantiation.
 class RSS
          Federate information from another registry using Rich Site Summary (RSS).
 class XMDR
          Federate information from an eXtended MetaData Registry (XMDR) instantiation.

Uses of Module in oor.modules.gatekeeper

Classes in oor.modules.gatekeeper that implement Module
 class Curated
          A curated policy where all changes are managed by a human curator.

Uses of Module in oor.modules.lang

Classes in oor.modules.lang that implement Module
 class CLIF
          Common Logic Interchange Format (CLIF).
 class CommonLogic
          ISO 24707 Common Logic.
 class OWL
          W3C OWL Web Ontology Language or RDF Schema.
 class RDFXML
          W3C OWL Web Ontology Language or RDF Schema represented using RDF/XML.

Uses of Module in oor.modules.mapping

Classes in oor.modules.mapping that implement Module
 class INRIAAlignentAPI
          Perform automated ontology mapping using the INRIA Alignment API.

Uses of Module in oor.modules.metadata

Classes in oor.modules.metadata that implement Module
 class OMV
          Ontology Metadata Vocabulary (OMV).

Uses of Module in oor.modules.registry

Classes in oor.modules.registry that implement Module
 class LuceneRegistry
          A registry implemented using Apache Lucene.

Uses of Module in oor.modules.repository

Classes in oor.modules.repository that implement Module
 class RDBMSRepository
          A repository implemented using a relational database accessed via JDBC.

Uses of Module in oor.modules.ui

Classes in oor.modules.ui that implement Module
 class ServletInterface
          A network user interface implemented using Java servlets.
 class SWINGInterface
          A local user interface based on Java SWING.