Uses of Class

Packages that use ContentState
oor.impl Non-module implementation classes. 
oor.model Interfaces used by the OOR. 

Uses of ContentState in oor.impl

Methods in oor.impl that return ContentState
 ContentState BaseContent.getState()

Methods in oor.impl with parameters of type ContentState
 void BaseContent.setState(ContentState state)

Uses of ContentState in oor.model

Fields in oor.model declared as ContentState
static ContentState ContentState.ACCEPTED
          Content which has been accepted according to gatekeeping policies, etc.
static ContentState ContentState.ARCHIVED
          Content which is no longer generally available.
static ContentState ContentState.CREATED
          Newly-created content, generally empty.
static ContentState ContentState.DEPRECATED
          Content which is no longer recommended for use.
static ContentState ContentState.MODIFIED
          Content which has been modified, but the modifications have not yet passed gatekeeping policies.
static ContentState ContentState.SUBMITTED
          Newly-submitted content, generally largely or fully populated.

Methods in oor.model that return ContentState
 ContentState Content.getState()
          Return the current state of this content.

Methods in oor.model with parameters of type ContentState
 void Content.setState(ContentState state)
          Set the current state of this content.