Evren Sirin    (2F47)

Evren Sirin, PhD
Clark & Parsia, LLC

email: evren-at-clarkparsia.com    (2F48)

Dr. Evren Sirin is the Chief Technical Officer of Clark & Parsia, LLC. He is responsible for the ongoing design, maintenance, and implementation of the OWL 2 Description Logic Reasoner, Pellet. His areas of expertise include automated reasoning for Web ontologies, Description Logic (DL) reasoning, and AI planning.    (2F49)

Before joining C&P, Dr. Sirin was a graduate research assistant at the MINDSWAP research group directed by Professor JimHendler and received his PhD thesis in Computer Science from University of Maryland, College Park in 2006. He authored many publications in top-tier journals and conferences about the Semantic Web and contributed to the standardization efforts for OWL and OWL-S.    (2F4A)