Ontolog invited Speaker Presentation - Conrad Bock - Thu 2005-01-27    (4YD)

Conference Call Details    (4YE)

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http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/resource/presentation/ConradBock_20050127/ConradBock_20050127.png [Mr. Conrad Bock]    (4ZG)

Abstract:    (4ZH)

This presentation compares the way processes are described in the Process Specification Language (PSL) versus flow models, which are the most common technique in industry. It focuses on the fundamental differences in approach, and gives a short introduction to the way PSL works, with the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. It describes an application of PSL that is not possible in flow models: behavior classification. It illustrates that PSL makes some process descriptions simpler by allowing the designer to represent as little as necessary to reflect their intent. It also highlights the way ambiguity is easily mistaken for abstraction.    (4ZI)

Trained at Stanford, Mr. Bock began his career developing parts of a best-of-breed expert system shell, and applying it to the domains of gene-splicing, nuclear power, and truck configuration. While one of these applications was spun off in a separate company, he invented new techniques in software development tools, which were included in commercial products. Based on these products, he led a group producing a tool for a major process and object-oriented method. This attracted investment from SAP, and he joined methodologists from SAP and Microsoft in developing unified business process models.    (4ZO)

Mr. Bock is at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, in the Manufacturing Systems Integration Division. He:    (4ZP)

Session Recording of the ConradBock Talk    (50F)

 (Thanks to KurtConrad and BobSmith for their help with getting the session recorded.  -ppy)    (50G)