Ontology Summit 2013 Communiqué
Communiqué content is developed through the many forms
of summit participation (panel discussions, surveys,
email, editing of wiki pages). Each track's champions
maintain their respective track synthesis pages on the
wiki, which make up key parts of their contributions to
the communiqué draft. The co-lead editors create an
outline and drafts of the communiqué and present them for
discussion and deliberation. Participants review and make
change suggestions, via dedicated summit sessions and
asynchronous discussion on the wiki and via the
[ontology-summit] mailing list. The final draft of the
communiqué this year was to be completed before the
symposium in Gaithersburg, and was presented and
formally adopted there. Following this, there will be a
window for endorsement by summit participants and members
of the wider ontology community. Finally, the communiqué
will be submitted for publication in Applied Ontology
Journal and possibly other professional and academic
publications. The communiqué is intended to advance the
state of the art of applied ontology by facilitating a
consensus on an open question and identifying future
challenges for the community. It is neither a summary of
all that happened during the Ontology Summit nor a research paper.
Rather, it is an advocacy paper, based on the discussion,
lessons, discoveries, and syntheses that took place over the
course of the Summit. The scope of the communiqué is
therefore likely to be narrower than that of the Summit.