Viktoria Pammer (S78)
DI Dr. Viktoria Pammer Knowledge Management Know Center, Knowledge Services, Austria Web: E-mail: vpammer(at) (S79)
Viktoria Pammer is working at the Know-Center in Graz, as deputy division manager of the "Knowledge Services" division. The Know-Center is Austrias competence center for knowledge management and knowledge retrieval. Viktoria is currently working on learning through reflection and automatically generating user profiles through observing a user's context. She is involved in the EU project MIRROR ( and the Austrian-funded project LASSO ( In the past she has carried out research in the fields of ontology engineering and evaluation. You can follow Viktoria and her team on Twitter @contextgroupkc. (S8P)
She holds an MSc. of Telematics from the Graz University of Technology where her major subjects were signal processing and machine learning, and a PhD (Dr. techn) also from the Graz University of Technology. Her PhD thesis concerns giving feedback about logical inferences to ontology engineers in order to support ontology evaluation. (S8O)