UpperOntologySummit - Organizing Committee Conference Call 2006-02-23 (K97)
Call Details (K98)
- Date: Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006 (K99)
- Start Time: 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST / 20:30 UTC (World Clock) (K9A)
- Expected Call Duration: 1.5 hour (K9B)
- Dial-in Number: 1-641-696-6600 (Iowa) (K9C)
- Participant Access Code: "68656#" (K9D)
Attendees (K9E)
- Expecting: (K9G)
- DagobertSoergel (will join the call ~4:00pm EST) (K9M)
- Regrets: (K9O)
Agenda (items to be discussed) Ideas (K9P)
- ...(please add suggested items here)... (K9Q)
- who will be the co-organizers & co-sponsors (K9R)
- PPY: how do we involve all these different people? (K9S)
- PPY: getting buy-ins from the global standards community (K9W)
- Pat & PPY: wordsmith and adopt a one line statement of the UOS purpose (K9X)
Agenda & Proceedings (KA0)
1) Welcome & confirmation of agenda (KA1)
2) Appointment of secretary to take minutes (KA3)
3) Roll-call of participants - see above (KA5)
4) Urgent matters to be attended to (KA6)
5) Communications, logistics, & work protocols issues (KA7)
6) Follow-up from previous meetings (KA8)
- review of previous meetings action items: (KA9)
- (KAA)
- Leo and Brand - one paragraph write-ups for each of the prep sessions, (see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit/OrganizingCommitteeMeeting_2006_01_19#nidJEJ) (KAB)
- Travel Funding (KAF)
- (KCD)
- Pat: JohnBateman will be attending remotely (KCE)
- we'll be prepared to have Aldo attend remotely (unless things change) (KCF)
- Longer term project funding (KCC)
- External contact update (KAK)
- calling all panelists - Pat (KAL)
- calling all key participants - Pat (KAM)
- if panelists are willing to do the joint proposal, Pat will add language to the "one paragraph summary" on UOS - status? (KAN)
- DieterFensel - Leo will call (KAO)
- JerryHobbs - is he joining us as a key participant? - Pat will call (KAP)
- NSF - Brand / Peter - will follow Maria Zemankova (KAQ)
- NSA / John Walker - Leo will follow-up (KAR)
- [uos-convene] discussion (KAS)
- from the last call: (KAX)
7) Status review and ongoing discussions (KAY)
- candidate particpants (various groups) (KAZ)
- see additions & work-in-progress under: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit#nidIO7 (KB0)
- BrandNiemann suggests we have a report as a deliverable from this meeting to be (among others) presented to FOIS Conference in Baltimore, MD Nov. 2006, also 5th International Semantic Web conference (KB1)
- the week after the UOS, the uos-org should re-convene to do a post-mortem (KCM)
- we'll record all 3 meetings (KCN)
- possibly getting a transcript done -- we'll review this again (KCO)
- wordsmith and adoption of a "one-line statement" of our purpose (KB3)
Develop the mechanism and resources to relate existing upper ontologies to each other in a manner that will increase reuse of knowledge among them, and thereby facilitate semantic interoperability among other ontologies that are linked to them. We want to let the world know that the technology is converging and is poised for commercial exploitation. (KCP)
- Steve: now planning media activities at NIST (KB5)
- Meeting Schedule (ok) / Agenda reconfirmation (needs work) (KB7)
8) New Issues (KB8)
- Inviting others (KB9)
- who will be the co-organizers (co-sponsors) (KBD)
- ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit#nidIOJ (KBE)
- labels - co-organizers, sponsors, advisory committee, ... etc. (KBF)
- we'll use: "co-sponsored by:" - Peter will ask on the list if there's any objection (KCU)
- who (KBG)
- how do we engage them (KBH)
- what do we expect from each category (KBI)
9) Action Items (KBJ)
- call DieterFensel - Leo (KD1)
- call JerryHobbs & AldoGangemi - Pat (KD2)
- Discussions on [uos-convene] to start urgently - three goals: (KBK)
- (i) get a technical solution that all would agree on - Pat to drive (KBL)
- (ii) get the joint comminique drafted - Pat & Leo to drive (KBM)
- (iii) get the agenda for those meeting build out - chair of each meeting will drive that (attn: Leo, Brand & Steve) (KBN)
- the uos-org members need to coordinate and help move things forward - ALL (KBO)
- One paragraph descrption of the meeting - attn: Leo & Brand (KCV)
- plan and lay out agenda of all 3 meetings - attn: Leo, Brand & Steve (KCW)
- Peter to setup the wiki session pages for each of the 3 sessions (KBP)
- noting that the Tuesday (3/14) morning and afternoon sessions are part of the same meeting (KBQ)
- do a (possibly a series) of conference call with all [uos-convene] participants - Steve to call (KCX)
- coordinate publicity; get consensus from all to be interviewed - Steve (KCY)
- coordinate "co-sponsorship"; get confirmation from all parties involved - Peter (KCZ)
- coordinate FOIS deliverable and get slot on FOIS agenda - Leo (KD0)
- provide input on the "one line statement" of the UOS mission/goal above - ALL (KD3)
- finalize before the first [uos-convene] conference call (hopefully) (KD4)
10) Next meeting date and adjournment (KBR)
- Next call will be on Thu 2006.03.02 at 12:30 pm PST / 3:30pm EST (as usual) (KBS)
- call adjourned 2:05 pm PST / 5:05 pm EST (KBT)
-- minutes captured in real time on this wiki by PeterYim / 2006.02.23-2:05pm PST (KBU)