UpperOntologySummit - Organizing Committee Conference Call 2006-02-16 (K0J)
Call Details (K0K)
- Date: Thursday, Feb. 16, 2006 (K0L)
- Start Time: 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST / 20:30 UTC (World Clock) (K0M)
- Expected Call Duration: 1.5 hour (K0N)
- Dial-in Number: 1-641-696-6600 (Iowa) (K0O)
- Participant Access Code: "68656#" (K0P)
Attendees (K0Q)
- Attended: (K0R)
- PatCassidy (K0W)
- PeterYim (chair) (K0T)
- SteveRay (K0V)
- BrandNiemann (K0Y)
- Expecting: (K0S)
- LeoObrst (K0X)
- DagobertSoergel (will join the call late) (K0Z)
- Regrets: (K10)
Agenda (items to be discussed) Ideas (K11)
- ...(please add suggested items here)... (K12)
- who will be the co-organizers & co-sponsors (K13)
- PPY: how do we involve all these different people? (K14)
- PPY: short, medium and long term objectives (K15)
- PPY: our approach: "confined and focused" vs. "broad and inclusive" (K16)
- Pat & Peter: funding and fundraising (K17)
- PPY: getting buy-ins from the global standards community (K18)
- Pat & PPY: wordsmith and adopt a one line statement of the UOS purpose (K19)
- PPY: public announcement of the UOS Event (K4Y)
- PPY: about inviting DieterFensel (K5B)
Agenda & Proceedings (K1A)
1) Welcome & confirmation of agenda (K1B)
2) Appointment of secretary to take minutes (K1D)
3) Roll-call of participants - see above (K1F)
4) Urgent matters to be attended to (K1G)
5) Communications, logistics, & work protocols issues (K1H)
- Steve: the room at NIST we will be using (will be the same room, both days) and it will hold 55 people. (K6Q)
- we'll try to 'hold' the main NIST auditorium (capacity: 355 people), and hope that we have adequate responses so that we can move the 3/15 pm UOS Panel Event proper to the auditorium. (K6R)
6) Follow-up from previous meetings (K1I)
- review of previous meetings action items: (K1J)
- Leo and Brand - one paragraph write-ups for each of the prep sessions, (see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit/OrganizingCommitteeMeeting_2006_01_19#nidJEJ) (K1K)
- Pat to call all the panelists (even if they have not responded) (K1N)
- if panelists are willing to do te joint proposal, Pat will add language to the "one paragraph summary" on UOS (K1O)
- Brand / Peter to approach NSF / George Strawn (NSF CIO & Acting CKO) in parallel (K1P)
- Leo to follow-up with ChrisWelty ref. involvement, sponsorship and potentially funding for travel money (K1Q)
- Dagobert to call MichaelUschold of Boeing ref participation and support (K1R)
- Pat to kick-off discussion on [uos-convene] (<uos-convene@ontolog.cim3.net> (K1S)
- all members of the UOS organizing committee is subscribed, Peter can add others as they start confirming their participation (K1T)
- from the last call: (K1U)
- Pat will summarize the status of panelists (coming in person, by-phone, awaiting travel funds, regrets, ... etc.) (K1V)
- Steve to send out invitations to key participants (K1W)
- Leo to follow-up with ChrisWelty on IBM sponsorship (K1X)
- Dagobert to call MichaelUschold ref Boeing sponsorship (K1Y)
- responses from panelists to our invitation -- need to update (K1Z)
- got responses from: Aldo, Matthew, Barry, Guarino, ... (Adam) (K20)
- Steve: Doug called and talked for a while, he is wonderful if this is one of those efforts that repeats every few years, and goes nowhere. (K24)
- Doug also thing the mid-level is more important; pragmatic usefulness is also more important; (K25)
- Steve: my view (being very pragmatic too) that why this is necessary - help consolidate the marketplace; as a foundation for future normative standards; (K26)
- Doug came away feeling better that we aren't just coming together to argue. Will continue to ponder, but may still need to send someone. Doug will call Steve back by the end of this week. (K27)
- Pat: this actually doesn't every few years ... it's the first time customdians of key upper ontologies are getting together to address this matter (K28)
7) Status review and ongoing discussions (K29)
- Tue 3/14 am meeting - NIST Plenary, instead of NSF meeting (K2A)
- NSF meeting will now be -- Tue 2/14 before the 10:30am plenary (K2B)
- candidate particpants (various groups) (K2C)
- see additions & work-in-progress under: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit#nidIO7 (K2D)
- who will be the co-organizers (co-sponsors) (K2E)
- Funding requirements, sources and approach (K2F)
- candidate MarkGreaves of Vulcan - LeoObrst to approach him (K2G)
- candidate Christy Welty of IBM - LeoObrst to approach him (K2J)
- BrandNiemann: candidate Tony Stanco - Brand to approach him about connecting to angel funders (K2K)
- BrandNiemann suggests we have a report as a deliverable from this meeting to be (among others) presented to FOIS Conference in Baltimore, MD Nov. 2006, also 5th International Semantic Web conference (K2L)
- who will champion this? (K2M)
- Funding: (K2N)
- NIST is covering Adam's travel (K2O)
- funding for Guarino really needed (K2P)
- possibility (of $5K) from IBM (K2Q)
- Dagobert will call MichaelUschold to get some sponsorhsip from Boeing too (K2R)
- wordsmith and adoption of a "one-line statement" of our purpose (K2T)
- Meeting Schedule / Agenda reconfirmation (K2X)
- Tuesday afternoon meeting participants (K2Y)
- Organizing Committee members, panelists, BillAndersen, MarkMusen, ChrisWelty, MichaelUschold, DieterFensel. (K2Z)
- the same list will start conversing on [uos-convene] (K30)
- Steve to send invitation (mentioning the list too) ... on their confirmation, we'll subscribe everyone and start the dialog (K31)
- Pat will send the opening e-mail (draft to be reviewed by org comm) and then guide the conversation on the [uos-convene] list with the jhope that everything can be agreed upon before people arrives at Gaithersburg (K32)
8) New Issues (K33)
- Invitation to the key participants (outside of the panelists) (K2S)
- talking to DieterFensel (K5C)
- Staging the UOS public announcement (K4Z)
- shall we use this weekly call for "org-comm, panelists & key participant" weekly sync up from here on? ... or do we need two calls for the following 3 weeks? (K57)
9) Action Items (K34)
- LeoObrst to call up DieterFensel and clarify situation (K6I)
- Leo, Steve, Peter & Chris should get together about IBM funding (done. --lo/sr/ppy/2006.02.22) (K6W)
- Discussions on [uos-convene] to start urgently - three goals: (K6J)
- (i) get a technical solution that all would agree on - Pat to drive (K6K)
- (ii) get the joint communique drafted - Pat & Leo to drive (K6L)
- (iii) get the agenda for the three meetings laid out - chair of each meeting will drive that (attn: Leo, Brand & Steve) (K6M)
- the uos-org members need to coordinate and help move things forward (K6P)
- Peter to setup the wiki session pages for each of the 3 sessions (K6N)
- noting that the Tuesday (3/14) morning and afternoon sessions are part of the same meeting (K6O)
- Steve will forward the NIST announcements again (K6S)
- all uos-org members to take that and make 'official announcements' of this UOS Event to their respective communities (K6T)
- One paragraph summary from all meeting chairs - due by end of this week (attn: Leo, Brand, Steve) (K6X)
10) Next meeting date and adjournment (K35)
- Next call will be on Thu 2006.02.23 - since MatthewWest will be speaking at Ontolog between 8:30~10:25am PST / 11:30~1:25pm PST, our call can start at either 10:30am PST / 1:30pm EST (right after the Ontolog speaker session) or at 12:30 pm PST / 3:30pm EST (as usual) (K36)
- call adjourned 12:23 pm PST / 3:23 pm EST (K38)
-- minutes captured in real time on this wiki by PeterYim / 2006.02.16-12:23 pm PST (K39)