UpperOntologySummit - Organizing Committee Conference Call 2006-01-26 (JFA)
Call Details (JFB)
- Date: Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006 (JFC)
- Start Time: 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST / 20:30 UTC (World Clock) (JFD)
- Expected Call Duration: 1.5 hour (JFE)
- Dial-in Number: 1-641-696-6600 (Iowa) (JFF)
- Participant Access Code: "686564#" (JFG)
Attendees (JFH)
- Attended: (JFI)
- Expecting: (JFJ)
Agenda (items to be discussed) Ideas (JFS)
- ...(please add suggested items here)... (JFT)
- who will be the co-organizers (co-sponsors) (JFU)
- PPY: short, medium and long term objectives (JFV)
- PPY: our approach: "confined and focused" vs. "broad and inclusive" (JFW)
- PPY: how do we involve all these different people? (JFX)
- Pat & Peter: funding and fundraising (JFY)
- PPY: getting buy-ins from the global standards community (JGQ)
Agenda & Proceedings (JFZ)
1) Welcome & confirmation of agenda (JG0)
- BrandNiemann took the chair and welcomed everyone. (JG1)
2) Appointment of secretary to take minutes (JG2)
3) Roll-call of participants - see above (JG4)
4) Urgent matters to be attended to (JG5)
5) Communications, logistics, & work protocols issues (JG6)
6) Follow-up from previous meetings (JG7)
- responses from panelists to our invitation (JG8)
7) Status review and ongoing discussions (JGA)
- candidate particpants (various groups) (JGB)
- see additions & work-in-progress under: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit#nidIO7 (JGC)
- who will be the co-organizers (co-sponsors) (JGD)
- Funding requirements, sources and approach (JO0)
- candidate MarkGreaves of Vulcan - LeoObrst to approach him (JO1)
- Brand: Mark is also coming to the 4th Semantic Technology for eGov Conference at Mitre (Feb. 9~10, 2006) (JO2)
- candidate Christy Welty of IBM - LeoObrst to approach him (JO3)
- candidate George Strawn of NSF - Brand / Peter to approach him to get NSF to be a co-organizer/sponsor, to pay for the travel and possibly have the speakers do a session at NSF too (JO8)
- BrandNiemann: consider a joint proposal to NSF for funding the UO common subset, and possibly get EU funding too (cast this as a joint US-EU effort) (JO9)
- Brand / Leo: the approach could be: (JOA)
- candidate MarkGreaves of Vulcan - LeoObrst to approach him (JO1)
- (JOH)
- BrandNiemann: candidate Tony Stanco - Brand to approach him about connecting to angel funders (JOF)
- discussion space for prep work (JGE)
- setting up a mailing list with org-committee, panelists & key participants as subscriber - ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit/OrganizingCommitteeMeeting_2005_12_08#nidIHW (JGF)
- updating / posting work to the wiki (JGG)
- BrandNiemann suggests we have a report as a deliverable from this meeting to be (among others) presented to FOIS Conference in Baltimore, MD Nov. 2006, also 5th International Semantic Web conference (JGH)
- who will champion this? (JGI)
8) New Issues (JGJ)
- Peter brought up the potential of doing a joint phone session with UN/CEFACT (who is having their meeting in Vancouver that very same week) during late 3/15 morning of the UO Applications Dialog session (JON)
- Pat feels that we should keep focus on potential "immediate users" (which Brand has a few in the eGov constituency). Therefore, we'll just pass on the above idea for now. (JOO)
- will talk about when we will be inviting the key participants (outside of the panelists) next week (JOI)
9) Action Items (JGK)
- Leo and Brand - one paragraph write-ups for each of the prep sessions, (see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit/OrganizingCommitteeMeeting_2006_01_19#nidJEJ) (JG9)
- Pat to call all the panelists (even if they have not responded) (JOJ)
- if panelists are willing to do te joint proposal, Pat will add language to the "one paragraph summary" on UOS (JOK)
- Brand to approach NSF / GeorgeStrawn in parallel (JOL)
- Leo to approach MarkGreaves and ChrisWelty ref. involvement, sponsorship and potentially funding for travel money (JOR)
- Peter to start a mailing list for prep work by the panelists / key participants (JOM)
10) Next meeting date and adjournment (JGL)
- next call will be on Thu 2006.02.02 starting at 12:30 pm PST / 3:30pm EST (right after the Ontolog Nicola Guarino speaker session, which should end at 12:25pm PST / 3:25pm EST) (JGM)
- call adjourned 2:05 pm PST / 5:05 pm EST (JGO)
-- minutes captured in real time on this wiki by PeterYim / 2006.01.26-2:12pm PST (JGP)