UpperOntologySummit - Organizing Committee Conference Call 2006-01-19 (JAP)
Call Details (JAQ)
- Date: Thursday, Jan. 19, 2006 (JAR)
- Start Time: 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST / 20:30 UTC (World Clock) (JAT)
- Expected Call Duration: 1.5 hour (JAU)
- Dial-in Number: 1-702-851-3330 (Las Vegas, Nevada) (JAV)
- Participant Access Code: "686564#" (JAW)
Attendees (JAX)
- Attended: (JAY)
- PeterYim (JB3)
- SteveRay (JB1)
- DagobertSoergel (JB5)
- LeoObrst (will chair this call) (JB0)
- BrandNiemann (JB6)
- PatCassidy (JB2)
- Expecting: (JAZ)
- Regrets: (JB7)
Agenda (items to be discussed) Ideas (JB8)
- ...(please add suggested items here)... (JB9)
- who will be the co-organizers (co-sponsors) (JBA)
- how many people will be presenting (must-haves vs. good-to-have; ... constraints) (JBB)
- PPY: short, medium and long term objectives (JBC)
- PPY: our approach: "confined and focused" vs. "broad and inclusive" (JBD)
- PPY: how do we involve all these different people? (JBE)
- Pat & Peter: funding and fundraising (JBF)
- Leo: date / how many days/sessions of the UOS event; can it be moved to 2006.03.14 or 15? (JBG)
Agenda & Proceedings (JBH)
1) Welcome & confirmation of agenda (JBI)
2) Appointment of secretary to take minutes (JBK)
3) Roll-call of participants - see above (JBN)
4) Urgent matters to be attended to (JBO)
5) Communications, logistics, & work protocols issues (JBP)
6) Follow-up from previous meetings (JBQ)
- write-up of the event ("one paragraph" summary) (JBZ)
- engaging the panelists - sending them the invitations and follow-up phone conversation (JC0)
7) Status review and ongoing discussions (JBR)
- locking-in the date and number of sessions (ref. Leo's thread: http://interop.cim3.net/forum/uos-org/2006-01/msg00011.html) (JC1)
- Tue 2006.01.14 pm & Wed 2006.01.15 whole day, with the 'main' panel on 2006.01.15 pm. -- this is confirmed and adopted (JE1)
- Dagobert cannot be availabel 3/14 (JE2)
- also mentioned the Interoperability week plenary on 3/14 morning that everyone is invited to (JE3)
- The official (announced) UOS Panel Meeting is 3/15pm; the other two workshop sessions (3/14pm & 3/15am) will be characterized as "planning and preparatory meeting" (JEA)
- panelists & key particpants will be invited the 3/14 pm meeting - LeoObrst will chair this meeting (JEB)
- panelists, key particpants, co-organizers and sponsors will be invited to the 3/15am meeting and that meeting will focus on users and funding - BrandNiemann will chair this meeting (JEC)
- the meetings will be open to all, as observers (which the chair will announced) so that we can focus on the goals (JEF)
- Tue 2006.01.14 pm & Wed 2006.01.15 whole day, with the 'main' panel on 2006.01.15 pm. -- this is confirmed and adopted (JE1)
- Naming the meetings: (JEJ)
- 3/14pm - Upper Ontology Summit Joint Communique Preparation Meeting - for the UO custodians to come up with an commitment to work together to develop a common subset UO (JEG)
- 3/15am - UO Application Dialog - a dialog to explore potential exploitation of UO by business, government and other stakeholders (JEH)
- 3/15pm - Upper Ontology Summit (JEI)
- Chairs to writeup a brief description (JEK)
- Dagobert: remember to plan on remote access, recording, note taker (JEL)
- candidate particpants (various groups) (JC2)
- see additions & work-in-progress under: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?UpperOntologySummit#nidIO7 (JER)
- who will be the co-organizers (co-sponsors) (JBA)
8) New Issues (JBS)
- BrandNiemann suggests we have a report as a deliverable from this meeting to be (among others) presented to FOIS Conference in Baltimore, MD Nov. 2006, also 5th International Semantic Web conference (JEE)
9) Action Items (JBT)
- Pat to send all panelists' e-mail address to the [uos-org] list for Steve (note missing ones) (JES)
- Steve will tweak the invitation letter and send them out to all panelists (JET)
10) Next meeting date and adjournment (JBU)
- next call will be on Thu 2006.01.19 starting at 12:30 pm PST / 3:30pm EST (shortly after the Ontolog session, which should end around 11:45pm PST / 2:45pm EST) (JBW)
- call adjourned 1:57 pm PST / 4:57 pm EST (JBX)
-- minutes captured in real time on this wiki by PeterYim / 2006.01.19-2:00pm PST (JBY)