Tutorial: A Guide to Collaborating at Ontolog - PeterYim - Thu 16-Nov-2006 (RF7)
- Topic: Sharing files, discussions and the wiki on the Ontolog collaborative work environment (RF8)
- Tutor: Mr. Peter Yim (CEO, CIM3) (RF9)
Tutorial Session Call Details (RFA)
- Date: Thursday, November 16, 2006 (RG2)
- Start Time: 1:00pm PST / 4:00pm EST / 10:00pm CET / 21:00 GMT/UTC (RG3)
- ref: World Clock (RG4)
- Expected Call Duration: 2.0 hours (RG5)
- Dial-in Number: (RG6)
- from a telephone (US): +1-712-432-4990 (Iowa, USA) (RG7)
- from a phone (Europe): 0870-119-1313 (UK) or 01805 00 7620 (Germany) (RG8)
- callers from other countries please dial into either one of the US or European numbers (RG9)
- Conference ID: "5823120#" (RGA)
- Direct call from from Skype: +990008275823120 (RGB)
- Shared-screen support (VNC session) will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/ (RGC)
- view-only password: "ontolog" (RGD)
- if you plan to be logging into this shared-screen option (which the speaker may be navigating), and you are not familiar with the process, please try to call in 5 minutes before the start of the session so that we can work out the connection logistics. Help on this will generally not be available once the presentation starts. (RGE)
- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips (RGG)
- RSVP to peter.yim@cim3.com appreciated. (RGH)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?TutorialSession_2006_11_16 (RGI)
- Please note that this session will be recorded, and the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy. (RGJ)
Attendees (RFO)
- Attended: (RFP)
- Expecting: (RFQ)
- (RFT)
- ...(to register for participation, please add your name here or e-mail <peter.yim@cim3.com> so that we can reserve enough resources to support the session.)... (RFU)
- Regrets: (RFV)
Abstract (by PeterYim) (RFW)
The Ontolog community of practice transacts predominantly over its virtual collaborative work environment ("cwe") which is hosted on the CIM3.NET infrastructure. This work environment serves as a dynamic knowledge repository for the community, and has, over the years, accumulated a rich body of very relevant knowledge that is openly accessible by the community and the world at large. (RFX)
This tutorial is a hands-on session that will be useful for both new-comers as well as experienced users of the Ontolog-cwe. We will be spending time on (a) the philosophy behind the cwe design, (b) navigating and accessing the Ontolog body of knowledge, (c) showing everyone how to effectively participate and contribute as members of the community, and (d) explaining some of the more advanced features of this collaborative work environment. (RFY)
Ref: http://community.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?CweSystemWalkThrough#nidAIW (RFZ)
See also: http://community.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?CweUser (RG0)
Agenda & Proceedings (RG1)
1. Opening and Welcome - PeterYim (RGK)
2. Self-introduction - all participants (RKC)
- also - Question: what does everyone want to get out of this session? (RKD)
3. What do we want done today? (RKE)
- provide some working details on the mechanics of collaborating at Ontolog, through the use of the "collaborative work environment (CWE)" that is hosted on the CIM3.NET infrastructure. (RKF)
- help get the ONION project community started. (RKG)
- exchange among members of this community on how to navigate and access the Ontolog body of knowledge, and, more importantly, how to effectively participate and contribute as members of the community. (RKH)
- we welcome the participation of members from collegial communities at this session too! (RKI)
- Question: what else do we want to achieve today? (RKJ)
4. Introducing the 4 workspaces in the CWE - see: http://ontolog.cim3.net (RKK)
5. Tutorial for the CWE user - see: http://community.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?CweSystemWalkThrough#nidAIW (RKL)
6. Some advanced features of the CWE - http://community.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?CweSystemWalkThrough#nidALQ (RKN)
7. Tutorial for the CWE administrator - see: http://community.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?CweSystemWalkThrough#nidAL1 (RKO)
8. Q & A / Discussion (RKQ)
- Participant input and notes: (RKR)
Session Recording of this Panel Session (RKW)
audio archive in mp3 will be available later, but the dial-in playback is available now ... see details below (RKX)
- To download the [ audio recording of the presentation], click [ here] (RKY)
- the playback of the audio files require the proper setup, and an MP3 compatible player on your computer. (RKZ)
- Conference Date and Time: Nov. 16, 2006 1:05pm~3:00pm Pacific Standard Time (RL0)
- Duration of Recording: 1 Hour 55 Minutes (RL1)
- Recording File Size: ___ MB (in mp3 format) (RL2)
- Telephone Playback Expiration Date: Dec. 16, 2006 0:00 AM Pacific Standard Time (RL3)
- Prior to the above Expiration Date, one can call-in and hear the telephone playback of the session. (RL4)
- Playback Dial-in Number: (RL5)
- US: 1-712-432-4999 (long distance costs apply) (RL6)
- UK: 0870 119 2349 (long distance costs apply) (RL7)
- Skype: +990008271111 (RL8)
- non-Skype callers from other countries can dial into either the US or UK number for the playback (long distance costs apply) (RL9)
- Conference ID: 5823120# (RLA)
- Recording Reference Number: 49204# (RLB)