Dr. Sören Auer (1OUX)
Department of Computer Science University of Leipzig Leipzig, Germany email: auer-at-informatik.uni-leipzig.de (1OUY)
Dr. Sören Auer studied Mathematics and Computer Science in Dresden, Hagen and Ekaterinburg / Russia.
Before pursuing a scientific career Sören was managing director of adVIS GmbH, a Dresden-based Internet
and IT service provider until 2003. In 2006 he obtained his doctorate in Computer Science from Universität Leipzig.
From 2006-2008 he was working with the database research group at the University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Currently, he leads the research group Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web (AKSW)
at the department Business Information Systems (University of Leipzig).
Sören led / is leading several large scale collaborative research projects such as German BmbF funded
project SoftWiki or EU-FP7 funded project OntoWiki.
Sören is founder (respectively co-founder) of high-impact research and community projects
e.g. the Wikipedia semantification project DBpedia, the open-source innovation platform Cofundos.org
or the social Semantic Web toolkit OntoWiki.
Sören is author of over 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications, co-organiser of various workshops,
chair of the Social Semantic Web conference 2007 and I-Semantics 2008, serves as an expert for industry,
the EU, W3C and is member of the advisory board of the Open Knowledge Foundation. (1OUT)
More Information: (1OUU)
- Workpage: http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~auer/ (1OUV)
- Research Group: http://aksw.org/ (1OUW)