OntologySummit2009 Symposium: Flip Chart (1W8V)
This is an attempt to capture what's on the flip-chart (temporary scratch pad) used at the OntologySummit2009 F2F workshop venue (at NIST) (1W8W)
2009-04-06 (1WGF)
Parking Lot (1W8X)
- Authority (1W8Y)
- Governance (1W8Z)
- Coordination among standards (1W9D)
- Methodology for ontology development (1W9F)
- Integration of process and data (1W9G)
Projects (1W90)
- Units + dimensions (1W91)
- Product structure (1W92)
- Re-engineering OAG in CCTS (1W98)
- Geospatial catalog mediation (1W9E)
- Enterprise tools for traceability between business (financial), technical models (1W9H)
- Open floor plan display (1W9I)
- iRING (ISO 15926 Realtime Interoperability Network Grid) (Oil & Gas) (1W9J)
- Combining data sets and metadata for public consumption (1W9K)
- Extending 11179 to data models + IRIs + metamodels (1W9L)
- Ontology for the national map (1W9Y)
New Ontologies (1W9C)
Issues, Barriers, and Other Factors (1W9O)
Ontologies of standards (1W9Q)
Ontologies for standards (1W9R)
Ontologies by standards (1W9P)
How are ontologies being used? (1W9S)
New applications of ontologies (1W9T)
Metadata for standards (1W9U)
Interoperability (1W9V)
How do we demonstrate the benefit/impact of ontologies and standards? (1WA1)
- Easier implementation (1WA2)
- Conformance checking (1WA3)
- Interoperability (1WA4)
Use cases (1WA5)
Focus on current problems (1WA6)
Incorporating ontologies with maturity models (1WA7)
Maturity model for ontologies (1WA8)
Use ontologies to vet/analyze/manage the plethora of standards (1WA9)
Role of ontologies in the quality management systems in standards (1WAD)
Governance (1WAA)
Basic Concepts (1W9Z)
Time/dates (1WA0)
Role of upper ontologies (1WGG)
Identify tools for evaluating, analyzing, selecting, comparing ontologies (1WGH)
Ontology warehouse (1WGI)
Standards warehouse (1WGJ)
Spatial and temporal ontologies (1W9W)
Projects (1WAG)
Units (1WAH)
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_10303 for a reasonable explanation of ISO 10303 STEP and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_10303-11 for the EXPRESS modeling language. Much of STEP has been split into many smaller reusable schemas, a list of which is available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_10303_Application_Modules. These are composed and completed in the Application Protocol (AP). There's now a MOF Metamodel of the EXPRESS Language in OMG as well here a public draft is at http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?mantis/08-02-05. (1WCG)
Building (1WAK)
Oil & Gas (1WAL)
Financial (1WAM)
Metamodels (1WAN)
Evaluating Projects (1WBA)
Homework for champions (provide as much as possible): (1WBR)
- Standards bodies (1WBB)
- Issues (1WBC)
- Use cases (1WBD)
- Demonstration of benefits/impacts (1WBE)
- Basic concepts (1WBF)
- Existing ontologies (1WBG)
Resources (1WAB)
ISO/IEC 24706, Information Technology Metadata for technical standards (1WAC)
2009-04-07 (1WGE)
Issues (1WGX)
Business models for bringing ontologies into standards (1WGU)
How would ontologies be made available to the user community? (1WGV)
Freely available via: (1WGZ)
Governance (1WH1)
- Version control (1WH2)
- Authorization (1WH3)
- Emphasize the role of subject matter experts in governance (1WHC)
- Best practices for governance (1WHD)
Challenges for ontologies (1WI5)
- Dynamics (e.g., traffic) (1WHG)
- Legal and accounting concepts (1WHH)
- Business entities (1WHQ)
- Financial (1WHR)
- Organization (1WI6)
- integration and interoperation, especially among cross cutting and overlapping standards and overlaps in vertical domains (e.g. business services standards). (1WIF)
- Ensure that ontologies are usable (1WI7)
- Compare ontologies wrt expressiveness (1WI8)
- Ontology presentation (1WIG)
- Cost of developing and deploying ontologies (1WIH)