OntologySummit2008 - Content Committee Meeting - Mon 2008-03-24 (1CAW)
- This is the 3rd of the OntologySummit2008 Content Committee's weekly information sharing conference calls. The call is expected to be ~1 Hour. (1CAX)
- URL for this page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2008/ContentCommitteeMeeting_2008_03_24 (1CAY)
- The key purpose of these meetings is to share information about discussion topics and content coordination best practices. (1CAZ)
As facilitators of the Summit Content Committee, our purpose is to invigorate discussion within the OntologySummit2008 and assure that the community can effectively explore, debate, deliberate and capture that content through our online discourse, between the Feb-27 Launch Event and the Apr-28 & 29 (2008) face-to-face workshop. (1CB0)
Conference Call Details: (1CB1)
- Date: March 24, 2008 (1CB2)
- Start Time: 1:30pm PDT / 4:30pm EDT / 20:30 UTC (1CB3)
- ref: World Clock (1CB4)
- Expected Call Duration: ~1.0 hours (1CB5)
- Dial-in Number: (1CB6)
Attendees: (1CBD)
- Attended: (1CBE)
- Expecting: (1CBF)
- Regrets: (1CBP)
Agenda Ideas (1CBR)
- (please insert content below; identify yourself for follow-up purposes) (1CBS)
- Report on tie-in of Content activities to the Program Planners and F2F-Program Agenda (1CBT)
- Mention applicable upcoming Ontolog Forum panel sessions. (1CBU)
- Discuss progress of discussion threads. (1CBV)
- Brief topic area activity summaries given by one or both topic area champions. (1CC9)
- ... (1CBW)
Agenda and Proceedings (1CBX)
1. Meeting called to order: (1CBY)
- MichelleRaymond took the chair and welcomed everyone (1CBZ)
- RaviSharma volunteered to take minutes of the meeting (1CC0)
2. Attendees: {nid 1CC2} see above (1CE1)
3. Discussion: (1CC3)
Ties to the Program Planners and F2F-Program Agenda (1CD2)
- Time duration for Topic Area F2F Sessions (1CEG)
- Michelle: (1CD7)
- Suggestion from the Organizing Committee is at least half of the time be for discussions, based on breadth and depth of discussions. (1CD9)
- Champions can summarize or minipanel approach for presentations. (1CDA)
- For OOR Architecture Session Michelle's (and Ravi agrees) suggestion is that we present a couple of different frameworks and related architecture issues as examples. (1CDB)
- Fabian: (1CDC)
- Concern that a panel approach may rehash thread conversations instead of bringing together consensus. (1CDD)
- Leo suggested: (1CDE)
- Short synopsis and starting position modified slightly by session chairs would help start off a Topic Session. (1CDF)
- Fabian: (1CDG)
- On the second day if there are session "recaps" given by the session chair, those will feed into a final version of final document of Summit and may be a way of reaching consensus. (1CDH)
- Leo: (1CDI)
- While individuals are updating the Topic Wiki Page's with individual contributions from the group discussions, provide not just threads but a summary. The summary in the Wiki can be incorporated in the Communiqué' (1CDJ)
- The summary needs to be ready earlier than the F2F, by a week. (1CDK)
- Michelle: (1CE3)
- Suggest closely moderated session by champions to direct the discourse and to keep focus by a panel on a communiqué' section. (1CE4)
- Peter: (1CE5)
- Suggested as to Why it is in the communiqué'. (1CE6)
- Communique' (1CDV)
- Leo: (1CDW)
- Will contain four Sections of intellectual content and one for Second day OOR summary. That takes us through what we have done towards realizing an OOR. (1CDX)
- The Topic summaries and sections need to be ready earlier than the F2F, by a week. (1CDY)
- Michelle: (1CEJ)
- Previous Communiqué' have been typically 2 pages - so say half page from each topic section? (1CEK)
- Leo: (1CEL)
- Yes it is a good goal, but can be say expanded to five pages. (1CEM)
- Fabian: (1CEN)
- Just a few sentences would be hard to do. (1CEO)
- Peter and Michelle: (1CEP)
- Suggestion to look at Communiqués from last two Summits. (1CE7)
- F2F Session lengths and starting time (1CDL)
- Michelle: (1CDM)
- How much time should be used for each of the 4 major sections presentations? (1CDN)
- ?: (1CDO)
- The F2F draft agenda has different lengths of time for different topics. The first session is squeezed into 1 hour. (1CDP)
- Peter: (1CDQ)
- This is due to a NIST policy of not being able to serve refreshments until a conference has started. It can be served at a break, but not prior to the start. (1CDR)
- ?: (1CDS)
- Start at 8am instead of 8:30 am and thus have time for a longer session before the "break" and refreshments. (1CDT)
- Action: Peter will ask Steve Ray about having an 8am start time. (1CDU)
Relevant Ontology-Forum panels (1CE8)
- Peter Summarized the rich variety of upcoming events on 03/27, 04/03 and 04/10 that will be very varied and with rich presentations that will also have 45 minutes of Q&A time. See details here. (1CCS)
Topic Status (1CE9)
- Fabian (for Quality and Gatekeeping): (1CEA)
- Different Perspectives on Ontologies - agreement on all types of ontologies amenable to repositories, therefore discussion summary document is required. (1CEB)
- Michelle (for Repository Architecture): (1CEC)
- Not an active week. Intend to get more content on wiki from discussions and get more discussions going. (1CED)
4. New Issues: (1CC4)
5. Any Other Business: (1CC5)
6. Action items: (1CC6)
- Mark and Leo will put out a structure for the champions to provide Communiqué' content. (1CDZ)
- Peter will ask Steve Ray about having an 8am start time. (1CE0)
7. Verify Time and Agenda for Weekly Content Committee Meeting & Adjourn: (1CEE)
-- notes taken by: RaviSharma / 2008.03.24-5:26 EDT All participants, please review and edit to enhance accuracy and granularity of the documented proceedings. (1CC8)