OntologySummit2007: OntologySummit2007_Survey individual responses (XM4)
OntologySummit2007_Survey/Response input from RexBrooks (XM5)
Please make sure you refer to the OntologySummit2007 & OntologySummit2007_Survey pages for the full context of the input. T (XM6)
Question 1 Respondant Info (XM7)
Name: Rex Brooks (XM8)
Question 2 Affiliated - I am affiliated with the following constituencies/communities (please check all that apply) (XM9)
[ ] Formal ontology communities [X] Semantic Web communities [ ] Linguistic communities [X] Concept Map community [ ] Topic Map community [ ] SEARCH communities [ ] Web 2.0 communities [X] Thesauri community [X] Taxonomy communities [X] Metadata communities [X] XML communities [X] Applications Development, Software Engineering and Information Model communities [ ] System Architecture communities [X] Biomedical communities [X] Standards Development communities [ ] Other (please specify): (Not Answered) (XMA)
Question 2a Representing - I represent the perspective of the following constituency/community (please pick one; if you want to provide input from more than one perspective, please return a separate form): (XMB)
[ ] 1. Formal ontology communities [ ] 2. Semantic Web communities [ ] 3. Linguistic communities [ ] 4. Concept Map community [ ] 5. Topic Map community [ ] 6. SEARCH communities [ ] 7. Web 2.0 communities [ ] 8. Thesauri community [ ] 9. Taxonomy communities [ ] 10. Metadata communities [ ] 11. XML communities [ ] 12. Applications Development, Software Engineering and Information Model communities [ ] 13. System Architecture communities [ ] 14. Biomedical communities [X] 15. Standards Development communities [ ] 16. Other (please specify): (Not Answered) (XMC)
Question 2b Specific Community (XMD)
or sub-community I am affiliated with: OASIS-Several Technical Committees (XME)
Question 2c Expertise Self Assessment - With respect to the perspective you are representing and providing input from, I am a/an: (XMF)
[ ] 1. informed layman [X] 2. practitioner [ ] 3. expert [ ] 4. other (please specify): (Not Answered) (XMG)
Question 3a Ontology Value - (XMH)
"Increasingly Important. I have developed a unified RDF Schema, OWL-DL representation as well as an XML Schema for the Revised Primary Base Specification of the Human Markup Language. This was intentionally, aligned with and in part, derived from the International Council of Museum Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC CRM). (XMI)
I am attempting to do the same with the Emergency Management TC's Emergency Data Exchange Language Reference Information Model (EDXL-RIM) which is in the planning stages now-03-27-07" (XMJ)
Question 3b Ontology Issues - (XMK)
"Several specification in the EDXL family of specifications have been completed in singular approach, i.e. each was done separately, even though they relate to and have mutual dependencies. These include the EDXL Distribution Element which is a standard for the routing/handling of Emergency messages. EDXL esource Messaging specifies the kinds and composition of messages pertaining to resources requested, provided and used in emergency incidents. EDXL Hospital AVailability Exchange provides a specification for a standard status report of hospital supplies, facilities and the availability of its resources and assets in any situation, but especially in emergency incidents. (XML)
There are common methods, elements and components in these specifications and we need a standard that specifies these at a sufficiently abstract level to be used to unify existing and the construct pre-unified additional specifications in the EDXL family." (XMM)
Question 3c Ontology Problems - (XMN)
"Crisp definitions and context-bound definitions need to be developed that are all aligned and which belong to an upper or to several upper ontologies in a way that is consistent. (XMO)
More importantly is the eventual reduction of reliance on unstructured data, i.e. free text, which practitioners are quite attached to from lifetime's of experience in previous, mostly ad hoc communities." (XMP)
Question 3d Corresponding Solutions - (XMQ)
"Gradually breaking down the resistance to ontologies by adding levels of semantic unification such as encouraging communities, such as counties within a state to settle on a set of terms for their emergency operations, organisational structure, etc and having them published using ISO11179 naming and design rules and the eXtended MetaData Registry format would help get this started so that any other emergency related suppliers or jurisdictions can find and use the terminologies of the local communities when emergency incidents occur. Later, we can collect these locally published lists of terms, definitions and datamodels into ontologies based on geospatial and political boundaries and provide them in a semantically structured and referenced registry or registries on the web and tie the architecture together as a working Service Oriented Architecture." (XMR)
Question 4aGlossary - Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community: (XMS)
Term: targetArea Gloss: The <targetArea> is a container element for the geospatial or political area targeting of the recipient of the message content. It contains data necessary to the originator's intent, based on location targeting, as to the dissemination of that particul... Reference (citation/url): http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#edxlde-v1.0 Artifact (name/version): EDXL-DE_Spec_v1.0.pdf - Artifact Ref. (url): http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#edxlde-v1.0 (XMT)
Question 4a1 Called An Ontology - On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community? (XMU)
[ ] 1. 1 - totally unlikely [X] 2. 2 - rarely [ ] 3. 3 - sometimes [ ] 4. 4 - quite often [ ] 5. 5 - almost always (XMV)
Question 4a2 Additional Remarks - (XMW)
"This is a set of terms within the XML Schema complexType "targetArea>"" (XMX)
Question 4bGlossary - Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community: (XMY)
Term: polygon Gloss: An enclosed geographic area within a simple closed polygon defined by an ordered set of vertices. Reference (citation/url): http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#edxlde-v1.0 Artifact (name/version): EDXL-DE_Spec_v1.0.pdf - Artifact Ref. (url): http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#edxlde-v1.0 (XMZ)
Question 4b1 Called An Ontology - On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community? (XN0)
[ ] 1. 1 - totally unlikely [X] 2. 2 - rarely [ ] 3. 3 - sometimes [ ] 4. 4 - quite often [ ] 5. 5 - almost always (XN1)
Question 4b2 Additional Remarks - (XN2)
"See 4a2" (XN3)
Question 4cGlossary - Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community: (XN4)
Term: country Gloss: The code of the country. Reference (citation/url): http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#edxlde-v1.0 Artifact (name/version): EDXL-DE_Spec_v1.0.pdf - Artifact Ref. (url): http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#edxlde-v1.0 (XN5)
Question 4c1 Called An Ontology - On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community? (XN6)
[ ] 1. 1 - totally unlikely [X] 2. 2 - rarely [ ] 3. 3 - sometimes [ ] 4. 4 - quite often [ ] 5. 5 - almost always (XN7)
Question 4c2 Additional Remarks - (XN8)
"See 4a2" (XN9)
Question 4dGlossary - Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community: (XNA)
Term: subdivision Gloss: The ISO 3166-2 designator for the administrative subdivision concerned. Reference (citation/url): http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#edxlde-v1.0 Artifact (name/version): EDXL-DE_Spec_v1.0.pdf - Artifact Ref. (url): http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#edxlde-v1.0 (XNB)
Question 4d1 Called An Ontology - On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community? (XNC)
[ ] 1. 1 - totally unlikely [X] 2. 2 - rarely [ ] 3. 3 - sometimes [ ] 4. 4 - quite often [ ] 5. 5 - almost always (XND)
Question 4d2 Additional Remarks - (XNE)
"See 4a2" (XNF)
Question 4eGlossary - Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community: (XNG)
Term: locCodeUN Gloss: The UN/LOCODE designator for the location concerned. Reference (citation/url): http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#edxlde-v1.0 Artifact (name/version): EDX-DE_Spec_v1.0.pdf - Artifact Ref. (url): http://www.oasis-open.org/specs/index.php#edxlde-v1.0 (XNH)
Question 4e1 Called An Ontology - On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community? (XNI)
[ ] 1. 1 - totally unlikely [X] 2. 2 - rarely [ ] 3. 3 - sometimes [ ] 4. 4 - quite often [ ] 5. 5 - almost always (XNJ)
Question 4e2 Additional Remarks - (XNK)
"(Not Answered)" (XNL)
Question 4fGlossary - Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community: (XNM)
Term: (Not Answered) Gloss: (Not Answered) Reference (citation/url): (Not Answered) Artifact (name/version): (Not Answered) - Artifact Ref. (url): (Not Answered) (XNN)
Question 4f1 Called An Ontology - On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community? (XNO)
[ ] 1. 1 - totally unlikely [ ] 2. 2 - rarely [ ] 3. 3 - sometimes [ ] 4. 4 - quite often [ ] 5. 5 - almost always (XNP)
Question 4f2 Additional Remarks - (XNQ)
"(Not Answered)" (XNR)
Question 4gGlossary - Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community: (XNS)
Term: (Not Answered) Gloss (definition): (Not Answered) Reference (citation/url): (Not Answered) Artifact (name/version): (Not Answered) - Artifact Ref. (url): (Not Answered) (XNT)
Question 4g1 Called An Ontology - On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community? (XNU)
[ ] 1. 1 - totally unlikely [ ] 2. 2 - rarely [ ] 3. 3 - sometimes [ ] 4. 4 - quite often [ ] 5. 5 - almost always (XNV)
Question 4g2 Additional Remarks - (XNW)
"(Not Answered)" (XNX)
Question 4hGlossary - Ontology-related 'vocabulary' and representative 'artifact' from your constituency or community: (XNY)
Term: (Not Answered) Gloss: (Not Answered) Reference (citation/url): (Not Answered) Artifact (name/version): (Not Answered) - Artifact Ref. (url): (Not Answered) (XNZ)
Question 4h1 Called An Ontology - On a scale of 1 to 5, (where 1 means totally unlikely and 5 means almost always), would the above term or artifact be referred to as an "ontology" in your community? (XO0)
[ ] 1. 1 - totally unlikely [ ] 2. 2 - rarely [ ] 3. 3 - sometimes [ ] 4. 4 - quite often [ ] 5. 5 - almost always (XO1)
Question 4h2 Additional Remarks - (XO2)
"(Not Answered)" (XO3)
Question 5 Confirm Participation - where, (XO4)
a 'convener' is a participant who provides substantive contribution to the OntologySummit2007 initiative (through the online discourse, this survey, and other events leading to or during the workshops and the written communique process), and (XO5)
a 'co-sponsor' is an organization who is providing technical or funding support (e.g. supporting member(s) of its technical staff to participate as a 'convener'), and/or endorsing the objective of this OntologySummit2007, (XO6)
[ ] I agree that my name can be listed as a 'convener' of OntologySummit2007 [ ] I will consider endorsing the OntologySummit2007 communique. Please send it to me for review when it is ready. I will confirm my endorsement after the review. [ ] I confirm that you may list my organization as a 'co-sponsor' for OntologySummit2007 (details below). (XO7)
Question 5a Co-Sponsor confirmation: (XO8)
Organization Name: Humanmarkup.org, Inc. Link (url) to Logo:(XO9)