OntologySummit2007: OntologySummit2007_Process proposal-1 (draft) (U5D)
First proposed: PeterYim / 2007.02.14 (U5E)
A 5-Step Process (U5H)
- Convener Grouping: Summit participants ("conveners") are dispersed into 'teams' (constituencies[1]), each representing major communities within the broader ontology community space (U5I)
- we can use a survey[2] to help identify which team an individual participant is affiliated with (U5J)
- an analysis of the survey results can also provide clues as to whether we have balanced representation in different constituencies, and if not, remedial 'recruitment' actions may be taken (U5K)
- a participant can choose to be in more than one team (U5L)
- each team is encourage to elect a champion to help coordinate and track progress (this is optional, though) (U5M)
- Understanding the Community Vocabulary: Each constituency will: (U5N)
- identify the context (vantage point) from which their inputs are derived; there may be needs to create further subdivisions. (For example: if "Biomedical informatics practitioners" is one such constituency, and it turns out that that the "bio-informaticists" and the medical-informaticists" don't share the same vocabularies, then they may want to subdivide and collect inputs for each of these sub-teams. (U5O)
- (each team) or each sub-team will come up with the gloss for what do they mean when they use the term "ontology" (U5P)
- identify other ontology-related terms that is in their constituency's common vocabulary, (U5Q)
- identify conspicuous ontology (or ontology-like) artifacts[3] within their constituency (U5U)
- the above is discovered through dialog over the [ontology-summit] discussion forum, aided (where necessary) by the survey[2] and continuously summarized and synthesized and posted to the wiki to keep all participants in sync. (U5V)
- each constituency will complete and vet their glossary and list of ontology (or ontology-like) artifacts (U60)
- Categorize (U63)
- Authoring the Communique (U66)
Resource & References (U6B)
[1] different constituencies - see under here (U6C)
[2] survey - sample of a completed survey that may augment the above process - see: draft survey (U6D)
[3] ontology (or ontology-like) artifacts for each constituency - see [ http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2007_Process/Draft1#nidU6N sample below] (U6E)
- HL7-RIM, SNOMED CT, GO, BioPAX Level 2 Ontology, ... (U6G)
- (U6H)
- we need both name and version (as different versions of the artifact with the same name may be placed differently in the categorization framework, and hence their typology may differ (U6I)
[4] categorization / typology framework - see: OntologySummit2007_FrameworksForConsideration (U6J)
Survey questions (Draft-1) (U6O)
1. Respondent information - (name, organization, e-mail, phone) (U6P)
2a. Constituency affiliation (U6Q)
[ ] Formal ontologists community [ ] Semantic Web communities [ ] Concept Map community [ ] Topic Map community [ ] SEARCH communities [ ] Web 2.0 community [ ] Thesauri community [ ] Taxonomists community [ ] Metadata communities [ ] XML community [ ] Applications Development community [ ] System Architecture Communities [ ] Biomedical communities (U6X)
2b. Expertise self-assessment (U6Y)
3a. Remarks (sub-community identification; vantage point; other comments) (U6R)
3b. Ontology-related Vocabulary from your community (U6S)
- Term (U72)
- Gloss (U73)
- Source Reference - (cite papers etc.; URL; point to section/paragrpah if possible) (U74)
- Representative Artifact - (Name, version) (U75)
- Likelihood that some may refer to this as "ontology" (U76)
- (enter a number from 0~9: where, 0 = totally unlikely; 5 = some would; 9 = almost always ) (U77)
- Comments (U78)
(repeat, say, 8 times, allowing multiple item entries on the form) (U6V)
Remarks: if a participant chooses to be in more than one team (represented in more than one constituency), he/she will complete and return more than one survey. (U6W)