OntologySummit2007 Organizing Committee Meeting - Fri 2007-01-26 (SRS)
- Topic: First Meeting of the full Organizing Committee for OntologySummit2007 (SRT)
Conference Call Details (SRV)
- Date: Thursday, January 26, 2007 (SRW)
- Start Time: 8:00am PST / 11:00am EST / 8:00pm CET / 19:00 GMT/UTC (SRX)
- ref: World Clock (SRY)
- Expected Call Duration: 1.0 hours (SRZ)
- Dial-in Number: (SS0)
- from a telephone (US): +1-712-432-4990 (Iowa, USA) (SS1)
- from a phone (Europe): 0870-119-1313 (UK) or 01805 00 7620 (Germany) (SS2)
- callers from other countries please dial into either one of the US or European numbers (SS3)
- Conference ID: "5823120#" (SS4)
- Direct call from from Skype: +990008275823120 (SS5)
- Shared-screen support (VNC session), if applicable, will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/ (SS6)
- view-only password: "ontolog" (SS7)
- RSVP to peter.yim@cim3.com appreciated. (SS8)
Attendees: (SS9)
- Attended (SSA)
- OlivierBodenreider (NLM, NIH) (SSC)
- PeterYim (Ontolog, CIM3) (SSN)
- LeoObrst (Ontolog, MITRE) (SSI)
- DavidWeinberger (Harvard Berkman Center for Internet & Society) (SSL)
- BarrySmith (NCOR, SUNY-Buffalo) (SSK)
- Expecting (SSB)
- IvanHerman (W3C) (SSE)
- FrankOlken (NSF) (SSF)
- MarkMusen (NCOR, NCBO, Stanford SMI) (SSH)
- SteveRay (NIST) (SSJ)
- ChrisWelty (IBM Research) (SSM)
- Regrets: (STS)
- NicolaGuarino (LOA-CNR.IT) (SSD)
- DeborahMcGuinness (Stanford KSL) (SSG)
Agenda Ideas (SSO)
- ... (please post here; indentify yourself for follow-up purposes) (SSP)
Agenda & Proceedings (SSQ)
1. Meeting called to order: (SSR)
- LeoObrst took the chair and welcomed everyone (SSS)
- PeterYim volunteered to take minutes of the meeting (SWC)
2. Roll Call: (SST)
3. Urgent Issues: (SSV)
4. Outstanding Issues: (SSW)
- introductions among the members (SSX)
- aligning everyone's expectations as well as their understanding of our objectives (SWE)
5. New Issues: (SSY)
- 2007.01.18 Launch Meeting postmortem (SSZ)
- Organizing Committee Membership (ST0)
- discussion: our deliverables (STX)
- discussion: our approach & process (ST4)
- Assessment of current progress (STA)
- distributing the organizing chore (SWI)
- engaging participants from specific target communties (SWJ)
- drafting the communique (SWK)
- ... (SWL)
- Leo: 10 dimensions (see 1/25/07 post); get people to post under an appropriate subject line (SWN)
- Olivier: take advantage of the wiki; list the things that we don't want to discussed (SWO)
- Peter: as Steve mentioned, I'll "garden" the wiki, but I'll need help (SWP)
6. Any Other Business: (ST5)
7. Schedule Next Meeting & Adjourn: (ST6)
- since we were not able to get close to a full organizing committee meeting together, most of the agenda is now deferred to the next call, which is now agreed to be a 1-hour call starting at Tue 30-Jan-2007 8:00am PST / 11:00am EST / 5:00pm CET. (SWQ)
- we will schedule this "first" call for 1-hour, and hope that subsequent sync-up calls will only last 30 minutes each week (with most of our transactions done via the [ontology-summit-org] e-mail list. (SWR)
- Next Meeting: (ST7)
- choice of regular weekly sync-up call time slot - (SUA)
- Nicola's preference Monday through Thursday 1:30~2:30pm EST / 10:30~11:30am PST / 7:30~8:30pm CET -- Thursdays are out because of a conflict with regularly scheduled Ontolog events (SUB)
- Deborah's suggested: Mon, Tue or Wednesdays, 11:30am~12:30pm EST / 8:30~9:30am PST / 5:30~6:30pm CET; sometimes i could make 8am PST / 11am EST / 5pm CET on friday (SUG)
- Steve: The one day I can't meet is Wednesdays after 1:30pm EST / 10:30am PST / 7:30pm CET (SUH)
- Ivan: Tuesday evening would be *ideal* for me at those times. Mondays and Wednesdays are not possible *at all* at those times. (SUY)
- Peter: on Tuesdays, I can only be available after 12:30am EST / 9:30am PST / 6:30pm CET; and will probably have to miss a few meeting (like once a month). Mon, Wed & Fridays work better for me. (SWD)
- choice of regular weekly sync-up call time slot - (SUA)
- Call adjourned at: 8:49am PST / 11:49am EST (ST8)
-- notes taken by: PeterYim / 2007.01.26-09:08am PST All participants, please review and edit to enhance accuracy and granularity of the documented proceedings. (ST9)