ONTOLOG Face-to-face Workshop Nov. 5~7, 2003 - Notes from Attendees (ADV)
Notes from PeterYim (ADW)
ppy/ontolog-nov03-f2f_notes_20031106a.txt (ADX)
- Thu 2003-11-06 2:00pm - Sue Probert (ADY)
- TBG-17: group responsible for ebXML Core Component Harmonization (ADZ)
- CCTS is an implementation of ISO 11179 when the work started (AE3)
- Oxford dictionary definitions, if it is not ambiguous (AE6)
- we now have a context-free UBL, because context-methodologies are slated for UBL 2.0 (AE9)
- have John Yunker do a CCTS session [action!] (AEH)
- Thu 2003-11-06 3:00pm Marion Royal (AEI)
- (AF3)
- (AFL)
- (AFM)
- details see http://www.feapmo.gov (AFN)
- (AFM)
- What would you want a bunch of ontologist do for you? (AFO)
- Thu 2003-11-06 4:00pm - Eduardo Gutentag & Arofan Gregory (AFS)
- Arofan: a point of need: (AG2)
- (AGA)
- Kurt to Arofan: give us some use cases (AGB)
- Arofan: Mike Adcock did some work that was pretty good ... let's see if we can dig something out for you guys (AGC)
- check also the RosettaNet PIPs (they are use case driven) (AGD)
- there's a group in electronics ... pretty good ... EDIC? (check with Jon) (AGE)
- Kurt to Arofan: give us some use cases (AGB)
- (AGL)
- might give us a list of use cases (done with Matt) -- they were bad, but that's the only one we have (AGM)
Fri 2003-11-07 (AGW)
(onsite): KurtConrad, BoNewman, BobSmith, BillMcCarthy, PeterYim. (AGX)
(online): PatCassidy (AGY)
- (AH0)
- primary interest with ontolog was in the process (not so much the ontological engineering) (AH1)
- (AH9)
- there will not be a one-on-one full alignment between personal ontologies between different individuals -- some may have more overlap than others. (AHA)
- (AHF)
- the center of mass of our group (community) ontology -- or the "value network" of the group, may be drifting (AHG)
- (AHJ)
- recommendation: whatever can be done to stabilize the "drift", align and then enforce it through governance (AHK)
- KurtConrad - "Ontolog Planning" (AHL)
- (AHW)
- input from Per/IBM Norway (AHX)
- Design and Reuse (AHY)
- (overlap search, as a design-time tool) (AHZ)
- integrate new documents (doc type) into the library (we now have 700 documents and 19,000 elements (fields) -- need the tools to help us do it.) (AI0)
- challenge - getting different departments to harmonize on the data elements - is an ontology the solution? (AI1)
- have a document in Norwegian, might be able to translate the main point to English for us (AI2)
- Design and Reuse (AHY)
- input from Per/IBM Norway (AHX)
- (AI7)
- students and employees in SUMO are roles (and not classes) (AI8)
- the group her should be aware of this restriction (--PatCassidy) (AI9)
- Adam: Cyc, SUMO and DOLCE all relegate these to roles (--Pat later pointed out that OpenCyc actually also had some of those as classes) (AIA)
- students and employees in SUMO are roles (and not classes) (AI8)
- Reading recommendation (AIB)
- Ref: Metaphysics - Michael Liux (book) (AIC)
- Nicola Guarino N & Chris Welty (paper) (AID)
- AdamPease: Standard Upper Ontology Knowledge Interchange Format (SUO-KIF) (AIE)
- Formalization assignments: [action!] (AIF)
- TaxPointDate - PeterYim (AIG)
- PaymentMeans - BillMcCarthy (AIH)
- Kurt, Bo, Bob & Pat to pick one term each (AII)
- TimMcGrath - "Document Engineering and UBL" (AIJ)