Issues and Strategies (9UE)
- Need efficient way to learn tools and techniques (9UF)
- (9UG)
- Issue: The learning curve is quite steep and long-time participants in this effort still don't feel comfortable with basic concepts and specific methodologies (9UH)
- (9UI)
- Strategy: Identify and/or develop training modules that target key topics (9UJ)
- (9UK)
- (9UL)
- Survey Ontolog / UBL project participants for knowledge gaps (9UM)
- (9UQ)
- (9UR)
- Identify, recruit, and/or draft subject matter experts to help put together training modules (possibly teamed with a recruit to help document the training) (9US)
- (9UT)
- (9UU)
- Distribute materials asynchronously where possible. Schedule telecons, where necessary. (9UV)
- Need agreement on content to write (9UW)
- (9UX)
- Issue: A critical aspect of formalization is agreement among subject matter experts on what the terms / concepts mean. (9UY)
- (9UZ)
- Strategy: drive agreement prior to the formalization in KIF to enable a broader range of subject matter experts to contribute to the process (9V0)
- (9V1)
- (9V2)
- Form a group of subject matter experts to review and revise the existing UBL definitions for these terms and concepts (9V3)
- (9V4)
- (9V5)
- Develop standards and/or quality critieria for these definitions (both their internal structure/expresiveness and consistency across definitions) (9V6)
- Look to IEEE (Sowa's) discussions of use of controlled english possibly as a second step (uncontrolled, then controlled, then KIF) (9V7)
- (9V8)
- (9V9)
- Publish the definitions once they accepted (either individually or as a group) (9VA)