General issues on how to standardize OntoIOp (2YBJ)
Opinions on Semantic Web Standardization from an ISWC 2011 Panel (2YBK)
Semantic Web Death Match (2YBL)
- Don't standardize (as has been wrongly done with the W3C Semantic Web standards) anything before it has become practice (ChrisWelty) (2YBM)
- Standards must be short and stable (not as e.g. OWL 2 vs. OWL 1) (MartinHepp) (2YBN)
- Even a clear specification (as in the case of rdfs:range) can mean that adopters can get it wrong. People need to be able to adopt a standard even if they only understand a fraction of the spec. Positive examples: SQL, HTTP (which are long standards) (MartinHepp) (2YBO)