OpenOntologyRepository_UseCases subgroup conference call, Fri 2008.06.13, 1.0~1.5 Hr. call starting 3:00pm EDT (1J2G)
Conference Call Details: (1J2H)
- Date: Friday, June 13, 2008 (1J2I)
- Start Time: 3:00pm EDT / 12:00pm PDT (1J2J)
- Expected Call Duration: 1.0 hr (1J2K)
- Dial-in Number: (1J2L)
Attendees (1J2O)
- Attended: (1J3U)
- Regrets: (1J2P)
Agenda Ideas (1J2V)
- K: walkthru MAPPING (1J2W)
- ref. new input (from Todd and K) at: (1J45)
(please insert your suggested agenda items here) (1J2X)
Agenda & Proceedings (1J2Y)
1. K_Goodier took the chair and welcomed everyone (1J3V)
2. Peter: still need to put together a session where we can have MikeDean present his prototype and have the core implementers buyin and get everyone engaged ... groups like: BioPortal, XMDR, CL-folks, OMG, OMV, ... etc. (1J3W)
3. Tools (1J3X)
- K: am using tools from Altova (XML-spy) for mapping of ontologies (1J3Y)
- Peter: suggest we keep our technology open ... so that we can slap an academic open license (like the Apache license) ... as such XML-spy may not be a good choice. (1J3Z)
- Ravi asked about tools (visual). (1J40)
- Everyone suggested he starts with Protege (ref. (1J41)
- Todd: since we are in the software project, maybe capturing things in UML may be more appropriate (1J42)
- Peter: since we are quite a bit further down the road already, maybe we should build upon where MikeDean has taken the work, and improve/tweak from there. (1J43)
4. K: we'll still need to map Mike's work-in-progress to the requirements discussed. (1J44)
5. Offline work: all to review the OMV work prior to the next meeting (1J46)
Meeting adjourned 3:50pm EDT (1J47)
-- Notes taken: PeterYim - 2008.06.13-12:50pm PDT (1J48)