OKMDS: Organizing Committee Conference Call - Tuesday 13-Nov-2007 (15TR)
- This is the 7th conference call of the organizing committee for the joint NASA-Ontolog "Ontology in Knowledge Management and Decision Support" initiative. The session is expected to be a 1-hour conference call. (15TS)
- URL for this page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OKMDS/OrganizingCommitteeMeeting_2007_11_13 (15WB)
Conference Call Details (15TT)
- Date: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 (15TU)
- Start Time: 10:00am PST / 1:00pm EST / 18:00 UTC (15TV)
- ref: World Clock (15TW)
- Expected Call Duration: 30 minutes (15TX)
- Dial-in Number: (15TY)
- Shared-screen support (VNC session), if applicable, will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/ (15U2)
- view-only password: "ontolog" (15U3)
- RSVP to peter.yim@cim3.com appreciated. (Regrets only) (15U4)
Attendees: (15U5)
- Attended: (15U6)
- Expecting: (15UD)
- Regrets: (15UG)
Agenda Ideas (15UJ)
- postmortem of the 08-Nov-2007 OKMDS Launch Event (15UK)
- continue with discussion on suggested program content for the next 2~3 months or even the entire 6 months of the mini-series (15UL)
- kick-starting the online discourse on [okmds-convene], which will be archived and cross-posted to [KMgov] (15UM)
- define (ultimate) deliverables of this entire mini-series (15UN)
- ... (15UO)
... (please post your agenda ideas here; identify yourself for follow-up purposes) (15UP)
Agenda & Proceedings (15UQ)
1. Meeting called to order: (15US)
- KurtConrad took the chair and welcomed everyone (15UT)
- KenBaclawski volunteered to take minutes of the meeting (15UU)
- review and adopt agenda (15UV)
2. Roll Call: (15UW)
3. Issues brought forward: (15UY)
- postmortem of the 08-Nov-2007 OKMDS Launch Event. There were about 47 attendees at peak and about 40 on average (roughly the same number as those at the 2007.10.25 Second Life tutorial session.) The speakers did an excellent job of expressing the objectives. KMWG is now a collaborator of the series along with Ontolog and NASA. Glad we were able to incorporate that into all the documentation before the launch event. So OKMDS is a joint NASA-Ontolog-KMWG mini-series now. (15WJ)
4. Status of developing issues: (15UZ)
- Outstanding Issue Update: (15V0)
- suggest program content for the next 2~3 months or even the entire 6 months of the mini-series (15V1)
- speaker sessions - candidate speaker, topic, date (for each) (15V2)
- panel discussions - topic, chair/moderator, candidate panelists (for each) (15V3)
- Suggestions: (15V4)
- Peter: SOFI panel - Gordon, Glenn, Yim, cheyer, Baclawski, Cassidy, Bedford - aim for this being the next event early Dec. (15V5)
- Peter's interim report: date firmed up for Thu 2007.12.13 - see title/abstract/panelists details at: ConferenceCall_2007_12_13 (15V6)
- Peter: Dialog mapping - Conklin, Shum, Park et al. (15V7)
- Peter's interim report: PeterYim and JackPark is already working on this, and have already started a conversation with JeffConklin (CogNexus Institute) and SimonBuckinghamShum (15WC)
- Ken: ontology-based Dialog Planning for Relational Medicine - can probably cluster this with the above item (15V8)
- Susan: Morrison on IARPA funded research IC use of knowledge/decision environments (15V9)
- ping Leo et al. if we put together a panel on the above focus (15VA)
- Ken: "Living with Uncertainty" - panel on probabilistic reasoning and decision support (15VB)
- Jeanne / Andy should probably have some great stuff at NASA we can draw upon (15VC)
- Andy: ongoing stuff that may be of interest - (15VD)
- we should solicit something from the KM community (15VG)
- Kurt has approached BoNewman about setting up something. (15WL)
- Kurt mentioned Art Murray at George Washington University on the Decision Support side. Art works with Bo. (15WM)
- Peter: SOFI panel - Gordon, Glenn, Yim, cheyer, Baclawski, Cassidy, Bedford - aim for this being the next event early Dec. (15V5)
- identify "discussion moderators" to champion/focus on particular questions we want to investigate/explore (15VO)
- online discourse - topic, moderator, candidate (invited) experts to help lead & contribute to the discussion (15VP)
- Kurt: how about having each member of the organizing committee to come up with 3 question for each of the main themes. Kurt will ping the organizing committee members to get questions. (15VQ)
- Susan: use the 8 question in our mission statement as the springboard (15VR)
- we solicit the participants to come up with their questions, and the rights once will float to the top (15VS)
- KenBaclawski and KurtConrad will lead the online discourse (15VT)
- we could even get the community to help focus the mission -- as a first topic (15VU)
- Peter: Ken & Kurt, please be prepared to tell people (in 3~5 minutes) how to move forward on this during our launch event (15VV)
- Ken & Kurt discussed the kick-start messages for the online discussion. Ken will write up some material and Kurt will look it over. (15WN)
- Online discourse - need to clarify on the logistics and mechanics of cross-posting to [KMgov] and [okmds-convene] (15VW)
- Peter's interim report: ready to roll once Jeanne has subscribed the initial list members to [KMgov] or add them to an auto-accept filter - ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/okmds-org/2007-11/msg00017.html#nid07 (15WD)
- define (ultimate) deliverables of this entire mini-series (15VX)
- Discussions: (15W1)
5. New Issues: (15W2)
6. Any Other Business: (15W3)
7. Action items: (15W4)
8. Schedule Next Meeting & Adjourn: (15W5)
- Next Meeting: (15W6)
- next organizing committee meeting will be slated for 1-Hour starting Tue 2007.11.20 - 1:00pm EDT / 10:00am PDT (15W7)
- refer to details at the wiki session page (closer to the time) at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OKMDS/OrganizingCommitteeMeeting_2007_11_20 (15W8)
- next organizing committee meeting will be slated for 1-Hour starting Tue 2007.11.20 - 1:00pm EDT / 10:00am PDT (15W7)
- Call adjourned at: 10:48 am PST (15W9)
-- notes taken by: PeterYim and KenBaclawski / 2007.11.13-10:48 PST All participants, please review and edit to enhance accuracy and granularity of the documented proceedings. (15WA)