CyberInfrastructure describes the new research environments that support advanced data acquisition, data storage, data management, data integration, data mining, data visualization and other computing and information processing services over the Internet. In scientific usage, cyberinfrastructure is a technological solution to the problem of efficiently connecting data, computers, and people with the goal of enabling derivation of novel scientific theories and knowledge.    (2IMS)

The NSF has taken an interest is this since:    (2IMT)

 "every discipline of science and engineering is being revolutionized by the 
 widespread use of comprehensive cyberinfrastructure (CI).  Computing power, data
 volumes, and network capacities are all on exponential growth paths, collaborations 
 are growing dramatically, and all forms of CI---and multiple communities spanning
 multiple agencies and international domains---often must be brought to bear to
 address a single complex grand challenge problem, such as climate change.  All of
 these developments are part of a revolutionary new approach to scientific discovery
 in which advanced computational facilities (e.g., data systems, computing hardware,
 high speed networks) and instruments (e.g., telescopes, sensor networks, sequencers)
 are coupled to the development of quantifiable models, algorithms, software and other
 tools and services to provide unique insights into complex problems in science and
 engineering."    (2IMU)

For complete text please see the NSF link as well as    (2IMV)    (2IMW)