John Domingue    (EUY)

Dr. John Domingue is the Deputy Director of the Knowledge Media Institute. Over the last decade he has focused on how ontologies and web technologies can facilitate knowledge sharing and learning. His current work is focused around the Internet Reasoning Service (IRS) which is a WSMO compliant framework and platform for creating and deploying semantic web services. The IRS has already been used in a number of hands on sessions to educate 150 learners. He is a co Investigator on the UK EPSRC funded Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) project, the Scientific Director of the EU funded Integrated Project on Semantic Web Services DIP (FP6 – 507483), and a chair of the WSMO working group. John Domingue will Chair next year’s European Semantic Web Conference and will be the programme chair for AIMSA 2006.    (GFD)

More details on his work can be found at:    (EV1)