Fernando Carpani    (147C)

Faculty Member
Concepción de Sistemas de Información (Conception of Information Systems) Group
Instituto de Computación (Informatics Institute) 
Universidad de la República (UDELAR, state university) 

email: fernando.carpani-at-gmail.com    (147D)

I teach (with other people) a first course on Databases and a first course of Mathematical Logic.    (149Z)

I have a MSC about a Language for Multidimensional and Datawarehouse conceptual modelling.    (14A0)

Now some works of CSI group is focused on the semantic web and how to add knowledge to information systems, including the use of semantic web services, automatic management of user profiles in learning systems, etc. In summary, we are people that are trying to understand this theories and technologies.    (14A1)

see: https://www.fing.edu.uy/inco/grupos/csi/wiki/csi/index.php/Usuario:Fcarpani/Mi_Pagina_Privada/presentacion_en_ingl%C3%A9s    (147E)

PD: This is my ONLY english (so, sorry... :-) ).    (14A2)