OpenOntologyRepository (OOR) Panel Discussion Session - Fri 22-August-2008 (1KWZ)
- Subject: Getting OOR Development Off the Ground: Identifying Synergies & Gaps (1KX0)
- Panelists / Briefings: (1KLV)
- Mr. MikeDean (BBN) - "A Modular Software Architecture for OOR" (1KLW)
- Professor MarkMusen (Stanford) - "BioPortal: An open ontology repository for community-based ontology management and review" (1KLX)
- Dr. LiDing (RPI) - "Search and navigate online ontologies" (1KLY)
- Mr. BruceBargmeyer (LNBL) - "XMDR Contributions" (1KLZ)
- Mr. BillAndersen (OntologyWorks) - "Common Logic: Tools and Prospects" (1KM0)
- Archive: (1KX3)
- slides: . [ 0-Chair ], [ 1-Dean ], [ 2-Musen ], [ 3-Ding ], [ 4-Bargmeyer ], [ 5-Andersen ] ... and, (1KX4)
- audio recording of the session (mp3) (1KX5)
- the online chat session transcript captured during the panel discussion (1L0I)
Conference Call Details (1KX6)
- Date: Thursday, August 22, 2008 (1KX7)
- Start Time: 9:00am PDT / 12:00pm EDT / 6:00pm CEST / 16:00 UTC (1KX8)
- ref: World Clock (1KX9)
- Expected Call Duration: ~2.5 hours (1KXA)
- Dial-in Number: (1KXB)
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- people behind corporate firewalls may have difficulty accessing this. If that is the case, please download the slides below and running them locally. The speaker(s) will prompt you to advance the slides during the talk. (1KXU)
- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips (1KXV)
- see below regarding our in-session Q & A process (1KXW)
- RSVP to appreciated. (1KXX)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: (1KXY)
- Please note that this session will be recorded, and the audio archive, along with the entire proceedings of the session, are expected to be made available as open content to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy. (1KXZ)
Attendees (1KL4)
- Attended: (1KL5)
- LeoObrst (1KL7)
- MikeDean (1KL8)
- MarkMusen (1KL9)
- BenjaminDai (1KLA)
- BruceBargmeyer (1KLB)
- BillAndersen (1KLC)
- K_Goodier (1KLF)
- CarlosRueda (1KLG)
- MichelleRaymond (1KLH)
- FabianNeuhaus (1KLP)
- KenBaclawski (1KP7)
- MikeBennett (1KP9)
- GeraldRadack (1KPE)
- HaroldSolbrig (1KSF)
- John Liston (MISMO) (1L0L)
- LiDing (1KLD)
- ToddSchneider (1KLI)
- BrandNiemann (1KM6)
- MichaelGruninger (1L0M)
- KevinKeck (1L0N)
- Ani Sen (1L0O)
- PatCassidy (1L0P)
- LuisBermudez (1L0Q)
- JohnGraybeal (1L0R)
- RaviSharma (1KLJ)
- RexBrooks (1KLO)
- DougHolmes (1L0T)
- PeterYim (1KLE)
- Guoqian Jiang (Mayo Clinic College of Medicine) (1L0U)
- MalaMehrotra (1L0V)
- Expecting: (1KL6)
- (1L0S)
- ... to register for participation, please add your name (plus your affiliation, if you aren't already a member of the community) above, or e-mail <> so that we can reserve enough resources to support everyone's participation. ... (1KLK)
- Regrets: (1KLL)
Topic: Getting OOR Development Off the Ground: Identifying Synergies & Gaps (1KY0)
Abstract (1KY1)
by LeoObrst / MikeDean / PeterYim (1KY2)
The OntologySummit2008 (Jan~Apr 2008) provided us with a great opportunity and platform to discuss pertinent issues relating to an Open Ontology Repository (OOR). We need now to move the OOR effort from discussion to action. This means that we need to identify usable programming code/services now and firm up implementation commitments - i.e., who can provide what now and in the future. This session will mark the kick-off of the OOR system development effort, during which we will bring together core developers and explore the synergies and gaps that we can make out of their collective initial contributions. (1KY3)
We need to identify existing software that can be packaged into OOR modules and identify programmatic interfaces to existing repositories that can be used in a federation approach. If we could demonstrate the federation of existing repositories such as BioPortal, XMDR, SemanticMediaWiki, etc., that would be a major milestone. In addition, we want to ensure that Common Logic and its tools -- existing and emerging -- are included in the OOR realization (minimally, we envision OWL/RDF, CL, and possibly other languages/standards such as SKOS as being in the picture). (1KY4)
Some key preparation guidelines primarily for the panelists, but also for participants and the [oor-forum] to consider, are the following: (1KY5)
- 1) We'd like you to describe the capabilities and services that the existing repository software has. (1KY6)
- 2) We'd like to gauge your willingness to share design, code and resources on an ongoing basis. (1KY7)
- 3) We'd like you to expose your programmatic interfaces that would support federating the software modules as a part of OOR. (1KY8)
- 4) We invite each panelist's own perspective on "synergies and gaps" for OOR, i.e., possible synergies that you see among the prospective contributors to OOR (i.e., the repository and other efforts) and potential gaps that no current repository provides but would be useful for OOR, etc. (1KY9)
- 5) We ask all participants to come join us and share their thoughts along these lines, and give this project their commitment and support. (1KYA)
Refer also to details at the respective project homepages of the two initiatives at: OpenOntologyRepository & OntologySummit2008, and, in particular, the OntologySummit2008_Communique (1KYB)
Agenda & Proceedings: (1KYC)
- Session Format: this is a virtual session conducted over an augmented conference call. (1KYD)
- Agenda: (1KYE)
- 1. Opening by the Session chair - LeoObrst (1KYF)
- 2. we'll go around with a self-introduction of participants (15~20 minutes) - All - we'll skip this if we have more than 25 participants (in which case, it will be best if members try to update their namesake pages on this wiki prior to the call so that everyone can get to know who's who more easily.) (1KYG)
- 3. the OOR candidate modular software architecture - MikeDean (15~20 min.) (1KYH)
- 4. Briefings from the Panelists - MarkMusen, LiDing, BruceBargmeyer, BillAndersen (10 min. each) (1KYI)
- 5. Q & A and Open discussion by all participants (45~60 minutes) - All, via the conference call and the IM chat session. (1KYJ)
- 6. Reducing the discussion to actionable items and commitments - All (15 min.) (1KYK)
- 7. Summary / Follow-up plans & actions / Conclusion - session chair, LeoObrst (1KYL)
Panelists' Presentation: (1KYM)
- Our panel's prepared slides can be accessed by clicking on each of the title links below: (1KZ1)
- [ 0-Chair ] - (1KZ2)
- [ 1-Dean ] - (1KZ3)
- [ 2-Musen ] - (1KZ4)
- [ 3-Ding ] - (1KZ5)
- [ 4-Bargmeyer ] - (1KZ6)
- [ 5-Andersen ] - (1KZ7)
- To participate in the OOR effort or to further explore the subject matter, please subscribe to our open archived discussion forum - [oor-forum] - see details at: (1KZ8)
- additional resources: (1KZ9)
- OpenOntologyRepository project home page - or (eventually) (1KZA)
- OntologySummit2008 home page - (1KZB)
- OntologySummit2008_Communique - (1KZC)
- The OOR Project Presentation (delivered at the OntologySummit2008 face-to-face workshop) (1L0J)
- OOR Development Project site at SemWebCentral - (1L0K)
- (... to be added by the panel) (1KZD)
Questions, Answers & Discourse: (1KZE)
- (Unless the conference host has already muted everyone) Please mute your phone, by pressing "*2" on your phone keypad, when the talk is in progress. To un-mute, press "*3" (1KZF)
- If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, please "raise your hand (virtually)" by pressing "11" on your phone keypad. You may speak when acknowledged by the speaker or the session moderator. Test your voice and introduce yourself first before proceeding with your remarks, please. (1KZG)
- You can also type in your questions or comments through the browser based chat session by: (1KZH)
- pointing a separate browser tab (or window) to and enter: Room="ontolog_20080822" and My Name="Your Own Name" (e.g. "JaneDoe") (1KZI)
- or point your browser to: (1KZJ)
- instructions: once you got access to the page, click on the "settings" button, and identify yourself (by modifying the Name field). You can indicate that you want to ask a question verbally by clicking on the "hand" button, and wait for the moderator to call on you; or, type and send your question into the chat window at the bottom of the screen. (1KZK)
- thanks to the folks, one can now use a jabber/xmpp client (e.g. gtalk) to join this chatroom. Just add the room, in our case here: <> as a buddy ... Handy for mobile devices! (1KZL)
- For those who have further questions or remarks on the topic, please post them to the [oor-forum] listserv so that everyone on the team can be kept in sync. (One needs to be subscribed to this archived mailing list first before posting. See subscription details here.) (1KZM)
Questions and Discussion captured from the chat session: (1KZN)
PeterYim: Welcome to: OpenOntologyRepository (OOR) Panel Discussion Session - Fri 22-August-2008 (1KWZ) (1KZO)
* Subject: Getting OOR Development Off the Ground: Identifying Synergies & Gaps (1KX0) (1L19)
* Session Chair: (1KX1) o Dr. LeoObrst (MITRE; Ontolog) (1KX2) (1L1A)
* Panelists / Briefings: (1KLV) o Mr. MikeDean (BBN) - "A Modular Software Architecture for OOR" (1KLW) o Professor MarkMusen (Stanford) - "BioPortal: An open ontology repository for community-based ontology management and review" (1KLX) o Dr. LiDing (RPI) - "Search and navigate online ontologies" (1KLY) o Mr. BruceBargmeyer (LNBL) - "XMDR Contributions" (1KLZ) o Mr. BillAndersen (OntologyWorks) - "Common Logic: Tools and Prospects" (1KM0) (1L1B)
RexBrooks: Question for Mike Dean: in terms of architecture for platforms, do we have recommendations for repository standards, e.g. ebXML Registry Repository? I ask because we could run into problems federating registries if their associated repositories don't support some features, such as repository custodian-specified classification schemes. So, might we need some base set of terms for the initial set of repositories and their associated ontologies? (1L1C)
Guoqian: Questions for LiDing: Does Swoogle support a triple store backend? (1L1D)
LiDing: Swoogle only maintain metadata, but does not use triple store to store content of ontology. However, Swoogle caches versions of ontologies, and selectively stores some triples in database. Moreover, semantic wiki does have a special triple store for semantic web ontology. (1L1F)
RexBrooks: Question for Bruce: Do you have a set of your own rules for taking UML to OWL? (1L1G)
LeoObrst: Question for Mark: Will BioPortal eventually provide more than 1-1 mappings? How do you envision that? Something like Smart/Prompt? (1L1H)
MikeBennett: Question for Bruce: In transforming UML XMI to OWL, are you following a standard transform like OMG's ODM? (1L1I)
LeoObrst: Question for Bill: Do you think it would be useful to provide semantic services to the OOR? (1L1J)
BillAndersen: Fabian suggests that IKL might be useful to consider as an upper bound for semantic translation. Bill agrees. As a practical point, Bill thinks that implementing Common Logic reasoning would be easier to implement. CL has the additional advantage of being an ISO standard, although I don't think there's any problem with publiic accessiblity to IKL documents. (1L1K)
Guoqian: Is there bridge between SMW and Swoogle right now? (1L1L)
LiDing: not yet (1L1M)
Guoqian: are you planning to use Swoogle as a search engine against SMW? (1L1N)
HaroldSolbrig: Semantic Mediawiki has showed up in a couple of the talks. Have the SMW (and Halo) been engaged directly in this effort? (1L1O)
HaroldSolbrig: Have the SMW (and Halo) *developers* ... (1L1P)
LiDing: RPI is currently investigating to build open ontology repository on semantic wiki (with halo extension). (1L1Q)
JohnGraybeal: Could SemanticMediaWiki (SMW) be considered as a front end to a common repository, or is it going to produce its own repository that may or may not interoperate with the federated OOR repository? (1L1R)
HaroldSolbrig: Response to John. SMW has something that closely resembles a triple store on the back end, and is currently capable of producing triple-store output. We are hoping to encourage and work with them to create a 'live' triple store base. I don't believe that it would be that difficult. (1L1S)
LiDing: in general, SMW (semantic media wiki) seems to be a good web front end of maintaining ontologies (esp, collaborative editing ontologies). SMW can export its ontology in RDF/XML and then being indexed by OOR (1L1T)
HaroldSolbrig: SMW has also abstracted their back-end API (which SMW Halo is now using) which will allow multiple back end implementations. (1L1U)
LeoObrst: 2 questions for all: 1) Would it be useful to have analysis and transformation services for the ontologies in the OOR, e.g., to find out how to discover a Horn logic subset/transformation for a given ontology+rules? (1L1V)
BillAndersen: Instance of downward translation problem I discussed. A good example is DLP. (1L1W)
LeoObrst: 2) Services to support rules, analysis of rules, mappings among rules? (1L1X)
MikeDean: plan to add a Translator module interface, indicating source, target, and completeness (logical and implementation) (1L1Y)
MikeDean: it's very useful to be able to chain these translators together (1L1Z)
MikeDean: Bill Andersen noted that it's very helpful if translators map back to original source as comments, etc. (1L20)
LiDing: In order to map back the original source, we will need some vocabulary to record the mapping track in metadata. (1L21)
BillAndersen: +1 (1L22)
FabianNeuhaus: With respect of translating CLIF into formats which reasoners can use: it seems that the theorem prover community has some tools to convert CLIF into other formats (1L23)
LiDing: Fabian, RPI has done some work translating TPTP into PML, a semantic web proof markup language. (1L24)
LiDing: TPTP and TPTS is a common language for annotating proofs generated by different inference engines. (1L25)
JohnGraybeal: We have 3 (at least technologies) whose interoperations are as yet somewhat unclear to me. Is there any plan to explicitly have this analysis/discussion? (1L26)
HaroldSolbrig: John - what 3 technologies are you referring to? (1L27)
JohnGraybeal: BioPortal, XMDR, SMW, and a few others already mentioned here. (1L28)
JohnGraybeal: Not to mention NeOn. (1L29)
HaroldSolbrig: Great question. It seems like there should be a common core w/ multiple views. Q: Is there an architecture document for this implementation already available? If not, I think that architecture would be the obvious next step before we roll up our sleeves... (1L2A)
HaroldSolbrig: My own take would be an RDF triple-store at the core, but that may be biased against the CL approach? (1L2B)
JohnGraybeal: An overarching architecture into which these various components gracefully fit could be a very powerful way to start. (1L2C)
HaroldSolbrig: I'd be interested in participating and contributing to this. (1L2D)
BillAndersen: Re Harold's comment -- The use of RDF for meta-level would not bias against CL. E.g. CL ontologies could be represented as RDF. No problem there. (1L2E)
JohnGraybeal: Some principles for next steps could be: (1) Try to align with existing results. (2) Identify overlaps and conflicts. (3) Create an overarching architecture concept (e.g., "Backend Store" is a useful concept, perhaps) that could serve as a basis for identifying interfaces. (1L2F)
LiDing: next development meeting 29th or 5th ? (1L2G)
PeterYim: to leverage on the momentum, let's have our OOR-team meeting next week - Fri 2008.08.29 1.5 Hr. starting 9am PDT / 12 noon EDT / 16:00 UTC ... see you all there! (1L2H)
Audio Recording of this Session (1KZP)
- To download the audio recording of the session, click here (1KZS)
- the playback of the audio files require the proper setup, and an MP3 compatible player on your computer. (1KZT)
- Conference Date and Time: 22-Aug-2008 9:20am~11:50am PDT (1KZU)
- Duration of Recording: 2 Hour 18 Minutes (1KZV)
- Recording File Size: 15.7 MB (in mp3 format) (1KZW)
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- suggestion: (1L0F)
- its best that you listen to the session while having the respective slide presentation opened in front of you. You'll be prompted to advance slides by the speaker. (1L0G)
- Take a look, also, at the rich body of knowledge that this community has built together, over the years, by going through the archives of noteworthy past Ontolog events. (References on how to subscribe to our podcast can also be found there.) (1L0H)