Ontolog Series on "Database And Ontology" (Session-12) - Thu 24-Jan-2008 (133I)
- Session Chair: Dr. Matthew West (Shell International Petroleum Co.) (17EW)
- Invited Speakers: Dr. Holger Knublauch (TopQuadrant) (17EX)
- Title: "Information Integration Intelligence with Semantic Technology" (17EB)
- Archive: slides: 1-West . 2-Knublauch & audio recording of the session (mp3) (17EY)
Conference Call Details (17EZ)
- Date: Thursday, January 24, 2008 (17F0)
- Start Time: 10:30am PST / 1:30pm EST / 6:30pm GMT / 18:30 UTC (17F1)
- ref: World Clock (17F2)
- Expected Call Duration: 1.5~2.0 hours (17F3)
- Dial-in Number: (17F4)
- Direct call from from Skype: +990008275823120 (17F5)
- When calling in from a phone, use Conference ID: "5823120#" (17F6)
- from a US telephone (US): +1-605-475-8590 (South Dakota, USA) (17F7)
- from Europe, call: (17F8)
- callers from other countries please dial into either one of the US or European numbers (17FJ)
- Shared-screen support (VNC session) will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/ (17FK)
- view-only password: "ontolog" (17FL)
- if you plan to be logging into this shared-screen option (which the speaker may be navigating), and you are not familiar with the process, please try to call in 5 minutes before the start of the session so that we can work out the connection logistics. Help on this will generally not be available once the presentation starts. (17FM)
- people behind corporate firewalls may have difficulty accessing this. If that is the case, please download the slides below and running them locally. The speaker will prompt you to advance the slides during the talk. (17FN)
- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips (17FO)
- see below regarding our in-session Q & A process (17FP)
- RSVP to peter.yim@cim3.com appreciated. (17FQ)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2008_01_24 (17FR)
- Please note that this session will be recorded, and the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy. (17FS)
Attendees (17FT)
- Attended: (17FU)
- MatthewWest (17FW)
- HolgerKnublauch (17FX)
- PeterYim (17FY)
- Naicong Li (The Redlands Institute, University of Redlands) (17P4)
- DavidHarris (17XH)
- NancyWiegand (17LB)
- KevinTaylor (17PK)
- AdrianWalker (17L6)
- Bonnie Swart (Progeny Systems) (17X6)
- JoyceKoeneman (17WX)
- Rob Frost (BEA Systems, Inc) (17LD)
- PatCassidy (17XJ)
- BillMcCarthy (17XK)
- SusanTurnbull (17WY)
- BobSmith (17XL)
- RexBrooks (17WW)
- Paul Tazbaz (Wells Fargo) (17XM)
- DougHolmes (17X9)
- KenBaclawski (17XF)
- MarcoNeumann (17L5)
- Ross Dahman (Huntleigh) (17X5)
- EvanWallace (17XA)
- BrandKNiemann (17XC)
- Scott Henninger (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) (17XN)
- Mustafa Jarrar (1A4H)
- DilvanMoreira (17XP)
- SteveRay (17XR)
- LisaColvin (17X8)
- Registered (and probably joined us after the roll call): (17FV)
- Elizabeth Florescu (Millennium Project, WFUNA) (17L9)
- Kurt Cagle (Burton Group) (17LC)
- RaviSharma (17FZ)
- TatianaMalyuta (17WU)
- ToddSchneider (17WV)
- WaltTruszkowski (17WZ)
- Tim Swanson (Semantic Arts) (17X0)
- Harry Harlow (Eli Lilly) (17X1)
- Peter Eirich (Johns Hopkins U, Applied Physics Lab.) (17X2)
- DavidHay (17X4)
- Eric Peterson (McDonald Bradley) (17XD)
- Miika Nevalainen (TopQuadrant) (18GE)
- (17XQ)
- ... to register for participation, please add your name (plus your affiliation, if you aren't already a member of the community) above, or e-mail <peter.yim@cim3.com> so that we can reserve enough resources to support everyone's participation. ... (17G0)
Background (17G2)
This is the 12th and final episode (for now) of the "Database and Ontology series" of talks and discussions, during which this community will be exploring the landscape, issues and interactions between databases and ontologies. (17G3)
This is a community-driven set of activities, and is probably long overdue. On 15-Aug-2006, TatianaMalyuta (who just joined the community after participating at our 23-Jul-2006 face-to-face workshop at Stanford, brought up her request for the Ontolog Forum to delve into the subject of "Database and Ontologiy." An almost unprecedented flurry of online responses were received from the community. It was decided that we could systematically pursue the subject by mounting a mini-series on the matter at hand. (17G4)
A planning meeting for what has started out as a mini-series took place on 31-Aug-2006. MatthewWest was invited to champion the effort, and a "Program & Technical Advisory Team" was formed, comprising MatthewWest (Lead), AdrianWalker, AtillaElci, ChrisPartridge, LeoObrst, PeterYim, SusieStephens & TatianaMalyuta. (17G5)
See also: DatabaseAndOntology (the 'project' homepage for this series) (17G6)
The community is requested to contribute their thoughts by posting to [ontolog-forum] or to the DatabaseAndOntology wiki page (and/or its subpages). We hope to accumulate and synthesize the knowledge gathered and compile it into a written deliverable (a paper or even a handbook) that we could publish this collaboratively authored work to other relevant media and channels (like relevant conferences or the wikipedia.) (17G7)
Agenda & Proceedings: "Database And Ontology" Series Session-12 (17G8)
- Session Format: this is a virtual session conducted over an augmented conference call. (17G9)
- Agenda: (17GA)
- 1. Opening by the Session Co-Chair - Dr. Matthew West (17GB)
- 2. we'll go around with a self-introduction of participants (10~15 minutes) - All - we'll skip this if we have more than 20 participants (in which case, it will be best if members try to update their namesake pages on this wiki prior to the call so that everyone can get to know who's who more easily.) (17GC)
- 3. Introduction of the invited speaker (17GD)
- 4. Invited Speaker Presentation (60~75 minutes) - Dr. Holger Knublauch (17GE)
- 5. Q & A and Open discussion by all participants (20~30 minutes) (17GF)
- 6. Summary / Conclusion / Announcements - Dr. Matthew West (~5 minutes) (17GG)
Title: Information Integration Intelligence with Semantic Technology (17GH)
Abstract (by HolgerKnublauch): (17EC)
One of the key capabilities of Semantic Web Technology is its support for open, linked data models. The open architecture of RDF and OWL promises to simplify the integration of data from heterogeneous sources to lift legacy data into linked information spaces. In particular we encounter many customers who have large amounts of existing data in relational databases, XML files and spreadsheets. In this talk we will present approaches to lift these data sources (and other formats) into Semantic Web languages, and present existing tool support in the context of the TopBraid Suite. Based on these import capabilities, we will show how open standards like SPARQL can be used to define mappings between heterogeneous schemas. We will also report about case studies from commercial and government projects to illustrate how integrated semantic data models can be used to generate business intelligence reports, mash-ups and other forms of model-driven output. (17GI)
About the Invited Speaker: (17EE)
[picture of Dr. Holger Knublauch] (17GJ)
Dr. Holger Knublauch is Vice President for product development at TopQuadrant. He is also the lead developer of the TopBraid product family at TopQuadrant. He is furthermore well known in the Semantic Web community for his former role as the designer and developer of the original Protégé OWL Plugin. Holger holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Ulm in Germany. (17GK)
Resources (17GL)
- Our speaker's prepared slides can be accessed by pointing your web browsers to the links below: (17GM)
- 1-MatthewWest (opening/closing remarks): "The Database & Ontology Series" (17GN)
- 2-HolgerKnublauch (Invited Talk): "Information Integration Intelligence with Semantic Technology" (17X7)
- links to additional relevant resources: (17GO)
- the TopBraid suite of tools - see: http://www.topquadrant.com/topbraidsuite.html (17GP)
Questions, Answers & Discourse: (17GQ)
- Please mute your phone, by pressing "*2" on your phone keypad, when the talk is in progress. To un-mute, press "*3" (17GR)
- If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, please "raise your hand (virtually)" by pressing "11" on your phone keypad. You may speak when acknowledged by the speaker or the session moderator. Please start by identifying yourself, and make sure you can be heard before proceeding. (17GS)
- You can also type in your questions or comments through the browser-based chat tool (especially if your connection and voice quality is not very good.) by: (17GT)
- pointing a separate browser tab (or window) to http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room and enter: Room="ontolog_20080124" and My Name="Your Own Name" (e.g. "JaneDoe") (17GU)
- or point your browser to: http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/ontolog_20080124 (17GV)
- instructions: once you've got access to the page, click on the "settings" button, and identify yourself (by modifying the Name field). You can indicate that you want to ask a question verbally by clicking on the "hand" button, and wait for the moderator to call on you; or, type and send your question into the chat window at the bottom of the screen. (17GW)
- ... More Questions (17GX)
- For those who have further questions or remarks on the topic, please post them to the [ontolog-forum] so that everyone in the community can benefit from the discourse. (17GY)
- Session ended 2008.01.24 12:20 pm PST (17I7)
Audio Recording of this Session (17GZ)
- To download the audio recording of the session, click here (17H2)
- the playback of the audio files require the proper setup, and an MP3 compatible player on your computer. (17H3)
- Conference Date and Time: 24-Jan-2008 10:44am~12:20pm Pacific Standard Time (17H4)
- Duration of Recording: 1 Hour 36 Minutes (17H5)
- Recording File Size: 11.0 MB (in mp3 format) (17H6)
- Telephone Playback (17H7)
- Prior to the Expiration Date of 24-Feb-2008 0:00 AM PST, one can call-in and hear the telephone playback of the session. (17H8)
- Playback Dial-in Number: (long distance costs apply) (17H9)
- Austria +0820 4000 1576 (17HA)
- Belgium: +070 35 9990 (17HB)
- France: +0826 100 279 (17HC)
- Germany: +01805 00 7641 (17HD)
- Ireland: +0818 270 036 (17HE)
- Italy: +0848 390 177 (17HF)
- Netherlands +0870 001 933 (17HG)
- Spain +0902 886 053 (17HH)
- Switzerland: +0848 560 197 (17HI)
- UK: +0870 738 0768 (17HJ)
- US: +1 605 475 8599 (17HK)
- Skype: +990008271111 (free computer-to-computer call) (17HL)
- non-Skype callers from other countries can dial into either the US or UK number for the playback (long distance costs apply) (17HM)
- Conference ID: 5823120# (17HN)
- Recording Reference Number: 141631# (17HO)
- suggestion: (17HP)
- its best that you listen to the session while having the slide presentations opened in front of you. You'll be prompted to advance slides by the speaker. (17HQ)
- Take a look, also, at the rich body of knowledge that this community has built together, over the years, by going through the archives of noteworthy past Ontolog events. (References on how to subscribe to our podcast can also be found there.) (17HR)