Open Ontology Repository initiative - Planning Meeting - Thu 2008-01-03 (162I)
We are using this conference call to explore and possibly plan on kicking-off an Open Ontology Repository initiative, which a few of the folks in the community feels that a collaborative effort on such would be a meaningful thing to move forward with --Conveners: PeterYim, LeoObrst & MikeDean (16O9)
- Archive: slides & audio recording of the session (mp3) (16ZM)
Conference Call Details (16OA)
- Date: Thursday, Jan. 3, 2008 (16OB)
- Start Time: 10:30am PST / 1:30pm EST / 18:30 UTC (16OC)
- ref: World Clock (16OD)
- Expected Call Duration: ~1.5 hours (16OE)
- Dial-in Number: (16OF)
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- people behind corporate firewalls may have difficulty accessing this. If that is the case, please download the slides below and running them locally. The speaker will prompt you to advance the slides during the talk. (16V7)
- Please review our Virtual Session Tips and Ground Rules - see: VirtualSpeakerSessionTips (16V8)
- see below regarding our in-session Q & A process (16WA)
- This session, like all other Ontolog events, is open to the public. Information relating to this session is shared on this wiki page: (16OV)
- Please note that this session will be recorded, and the audio archive is expected to be made available as open content to our community membership and the public at-large under our prevailing open IPR policy. (16T0)
Attendees (16OW)
- Attended: (16OX)
- PeterYim (16OZ)
- LeoObrst (16P0)
- MikeDean (16P1)
- DuaneNickull (16P6)
- MarkMusen (16P3)
- SteveRay (16P7)
- Benjamin Dai (Stanford BMIR) (16WI)
- Marcia Zeng (Kent State University, Ohio) (16UK)
- LiDing (RPI) (16SW)
- Kajal Claypool (MIT Lincoln Laboratory) (16WH)
- Oliver Newell (MIT Lincoln Laboratory) (16WJ)
- Lee Feigenbaum (Cambridge Semantics) (16WG)
- MarkFeblowitz (16V5)
- Patrick Yee (Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development, HKU) (16SY)
- TimRedmond (16P2)
- AndersTell (16P4)
- JohnGraybeal (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute) (16SX)
- RexBrooks (16P5)
- FarrukhNajmi (16Q3)
- Luis Bermudez (SURA) (16WK)
- Gerry Creager (Texas A&M University) (16WL)
- KenBaclawski (16WB)
- Expecting: (16OY)
- PeterBrown (16SV)
- DeniseBedford (might be a few minutes late) (16U9)
- BobSmith (16UJ)
- AtillaElci (16V4)
- Bruce Bargmeyer (XMDR; LBL) (17ZR)
- Regrets: (16P9)
- PatCassidy (have conflict, may only join in for a bit) (16SG)
- JohnSowa (16SZ)
- Roy Lowry (British Oceanographic Data Centre) (16WM)
Agenda Ideas (16PA)
(please insert your ideas below) (16PB)
- ... (16PC)
Agenda & Proceedings (16PD)
1) Welcome & calling the meeting to order (16PE)
- Leo & Mike co-chaired the call and welcomed everyone. (16PF)
- Peter volunteered to take notes on the proceedings (16PG)
- Review and adopt agenda (16PI)
2) Participants' self-introduction (affiliation, pertinent work, etc.) and expectations from this call or the initiative (2 minute each) (16PJ)
- recommendations (from all participants) on who else should have been invited/involved (16SL)
3) Key Issue(s) discussion - "Open Ontology Repository initiative - Planning": (16PK)
Discussion: (16SM)
- Needs & Requirements: (16PM)
- Goals & a Mission Statement: (16PN)
- MikeDean - first draft: "To promote the global use of ontologies by developing and maintaining an open, collaborative ontology repository." (16X5)
- keeping it open on whether we will be hosting a repository or not. (16XA)
- Farrukh's update: "To promote the global use of ontologies by enabling and facilitating open, federated, collaborative ontology repositories." (16XB)
- John & Leo both feels that we should state that we ARE going to operate a repository (Duane's "1." should do) (16XC)
- Duane's addition: "mission should be to: 1. establish a hosted registry-repository; 2. promote the global use of ontologies by enabling and facilitating open, federated collaborative ontology repositories,; 3. establish best practices for expressing ontology and taxonomy work in registry-repositories." (16XD)
- Final edit: "promote the global use and sharing of ontologies by: 1. establishing a hosted registry-repository; 2. enabling and facilitating open, federated, collaborative ontology repositories; 3. establishing best practices for expressing interoperable ontology and taxonomy work in registry-repositories." (16XH)
- Peter moves to adopt this (final edit version) working mission statement (subject to final confirmation by the working group); Rex seconded the motion; all agreed and adopted by this meeting. (16XI)
- project codename/acronym: (16XJ)
- "OpenOntologyRepository" Initiative - abrreviated as "OOR" <-- adopted (16XK)
- OntoRepo (16XL)
- iOntology (16XM)
- An initial Team: (16PO)
- Next step: (16XN)
- Resources: (16PP)
- relevance of this initiative to the upcoming OntologySummit2008 - All: Yes! (16V9)
- Deliverables: (16PQ)
- Timeline / Milestones: (16PR)
// (16XG)
DuaneNickull: Registry-Repository facitilies should generally not contain any reasoning components. R&R is simply a storage facility. Reasoning engines use R&R API's as a source of knowledge. (16XW)
DuaneNickull: IN ISO/IEC 11179 2004 part 3, the purpose of the registry is to be loaded with the first order logic that constraints further binary or n-ary relationships to a set number of types (Symmetrical, Assymetrical etc). These can be inherited and labelled to build custom representations of taxonomy concept maps. (16XX)
DuaneNickull: Also - mapping does not work unless one considers the some context aspects. One gotcha is the heirarchy in XML. A data element "FirstNameOfPerson" is not the same if it occurs in a path of //PurchaseORder/BuyerParty/ vs. PurchaseOrder/SellerParty/ (16XY)
MarkFeblowitz: I've had to ring off for another call. I'm quite interested in this topic. I'll be listening to the recording later, and will be interested in any follow-on. (16XZ)
anonymous2: Looking at the R&R as analogous to an archive, I'm in agreement with Duane that the registry should contain just first order logic. (16Y0)
Lee Feigenbaum: Open Anzo semantic middleware platform: (16Y1)
JohnGraybeal: Speed of initial roll-out will be important for some participants -- having a few capabilities early will be extremely valuable. (16Y2)
JohnGraybeal: So I love the use cases/requirements -- thanks very much for providing those! (Prioritization of them will be key.) And am eager to participate in a collaboration. (16Y3)
JohnGraybeal: Must sign off for now. Looking forward to the results. (16Y4)
FarrukhNajmi: Starting point for reading on ebXML RegRep and freebXML registry: <> (16Y5)
Lee Feigenbaum: I got disconnected. WIll try to rejoin. (16Y6)
LiDing: centralized semantic web ontology search engine - It offers submit, index, search, version-tracking and REST web service. (16Y7)
DuaneNickull: Here is a registry&ontology project I did for the Canadian Government: (16Y8)
DuaneNickull: (16Y9)
AndersTell: Ref to: Architectural principles and point of views, IEEE1471, ISO 42010:2007 (16YA)
MikeDean: To promote the global use of ontologies by developing and maintaining an open, collaborative ontology repository. (16YB)
anonymous2 morphed into Gerry Creager (16YC)
Gerry Creager: I'm inclined to agree that the following are good points: 1. Federated repository structure although a distributed system should be employed. Thus, we need to work toward interoperable and scalable repositories as individual ones evolve. 2. Individual software elements should be purpose-driven rather than large code-sets (unix model of services). 3. Services will be what draws in users. Therefore, apps will need to evolve that are user-requirement driven rather than simply providing a sterile API. (16YD)
anonymous1 morphed into LeoObrst (16YE)
RexBrooks: I got disconnected, but I will also make sure that the group I work with is informed about this. It is the Integrated Response Services Consortium, focused on Emergency Management and Health Informatics, putting together a very domain-specific Service-Oriented Architecture. I hesitated to muddy the waters by suggesting that this effort, by its very nature, will tend toward developing a de facto SOA. (16YF)
DuaneNickull: Think mission should be to establish a hosted registry-repository (16YG)
RexBrooks: However, I think Leo's point about the need for developing services to make use of the registry-repository--provide benefits--is important. (16YH)
LiDing: a question, how the statement will be evaluated? (16YI)
FarrukhNajmi: How about: To promote the global use of ontologies by enabling and facilitating open, federated collaborative ontology repositories. (16YJ)
MikeDean: i like farrukh's proposal (16YK)
Gerry Creager: That'd work for me. (16YL)
AndersTell: Farrukh new statements is a step forward. (16YM)
LiDing: The goal is to promote usage of ontology, but the approach is not limited to ontology repository because there are many other factors, such as tools supporting ontology, mapping and integration services, visualization services. (16YN)
FarrukhNajmi: ebXML RegRep Profile for Web Ontology <> (16YO)
RexBrooks: I agree with Farrukh's suggestion. (16YP)
DuaneNickull: + 1 to Farrukh's statement. (16YQ)
DuaneNickull: mission should be to: 1. establish a hosted registry-repository; 2. promote the global use of ontologies by enabling and facilitating open, federated collaborative ontology repositories,; 3. establish best practices for expressing ontology and taxonomy work in registry-repoositories (16YR)
JohnGraybeal: Farrukh's candidate does not say we will develop anything, only that we will facilitate development of things. Don't know if thats an issue or not. (16YS)
DuaneNickull: yes - that is why I added the other parts (16YT)
FarrukhNajmi: +1 on Duanes 3 part mission (16YU)
FarrukhNajmi: ebXML RegRep 4.0 is being defined now. Interested parties should feed requirements into that work. (16YV)
FarrukhNajmi: I can be contact point (16YW)
MikeDean: I'd like to see the goal addressed up front, as promote the global use of ontologies by 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... (16YX)
KenBaclawski: I would like to see interoperability explicitly mentioned as a goal for the (16YY)
KenBaclawski: best practices. (16YZ)
DuaneNickull: interoperability and other requirements couldbe collected and documented in a Requirements Document which would help us all understand what we might want to concentrate on. (16Z0)
DuaneNickull: interoperability is a requirement that reg-rep can help solve. interoperability is not what a reegistry is all about ipso facto (16Z1)
RexBrooks: I think a requirements document with use cases is a good idea. Registries contribute toward that, enable it, but don't enforce or produce it. (16Z2)
Gerry Creager: Interoperability, correctly stated, isn't the sole function of an registry. However, if it doesn't help promote it from the start, we lose the opportunity to see a real federation evolve easily. (16Z3)
RexBrooks: true. (16Z4)
KenBaclawski: I agree that the registry is not about ontology interoperability per se. That is why I only want it mentioned in the best practices part. (16Z5)
LiDing: the best practice part focus on ontology creators but not ontology consumers (16Z6)
FarrukhNajmi: I am in listen + chat mode now and cannot speak into conf due to some logistical issues. If any one needs my input just look for response in chat window. (16Z7)
FarrukhNajmi: ONTOREP (16Z8)
Lee Feigenbaum: I like OOPS but I don't know what the P and S stand for (16Z9)
FarrukhNajmi: Can someone speak my suggestion of ONTOREP as I think I cant be heard (16ZA)
LiDing: Collaborative Open Ontology Library (16ZB)
LiDing: (COOL) (16ZC)
FarrukhNajmi: OpenOntoRep (16ZD)
JohnGraybeal: COOL is used elsewhere, will be confusing (16ZE)
Lee Feigenbaum: OREP? (16ZF)
FarrukhNajmi: +1 on OREP (16ZG)
LiDing: Oori is MIT's student pungmul group (16ZH)
FarrukhNajmi: Yes (16ZI)
// (16X3)
4) Next Steps & Action Items: (16PT)
- Action Items: (16VC)
- proposal to organizers of OntologySummit2008 - Steve (16VD)
- mailing list, wiki, etc. - Peter (16PU)
- ... (16PV)
- Our next meeting/call on this initiative will be two weeks from now (exact date/time to be confirmed on the mailing) (16Q0)
- this call adjourned 12:35pm PST (16Q1)
-- minutes captured in real time on this wiki by PeterYim / 2008.01.03-12:50 PST Attendees are requested to review the notes above, help clean it up, and make amendments and edits to better reflect the proceedings of the session as they see fit (particularly where they are personally involved). (16Q2)
Questions, Answers & Discourse: (16VE)
- Please mute your phone, by pressing "*2" on your phone keypad, when the talk is in progress. To un-mute, press "*3" (16VF)
- If you want to speak or have questions or remarks to make, please "raise your hand (virtually)" by pressing "11" on your phone keypad. You may speak when acknowledged by the speaker or the session moderator. (16VG)
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- For those who have further questions or remarks on the topic, please post them to the [oor-forum] list so that everyone in the community can benefit from the discourse. (One needs to be subscribed to this archived mailing list first before posting. See subscription details [ here].) (16VL)
Audio Recording of this Session (16VM)
- To download the audio recording of the session, click here (16VP)
- the playback of the audio files require the proper setup, and an MP3 compatible player on your computer. (16VQ)
- Conference Date and Time: 03-Jan-2008 10:36am~12:35pm Pacific Standard Time (16VR)
- Duration of Recording: 1 Hour 59 Minutes (16VS)
- Recording File Size: 12.36 MB (in mp3 format) (16VT)
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