Ontolog Mini-Series on "Database And Ontology" (Session-4) - Thu 08-Feb-2007    (TCK)

Conference Call Details    (TCP)

Attendees    (TD9)

Background    (TDH)

This is the 4th event of the "Database and Ontology" min-series of talks and discussions, during which this community will be exploring the landscape, issues and interactions between databases and ontologies.    (TDI)

This is a community-driven set of activities, and is probably long overdue. On 15-Aug-2006, TatianaMalyuta (who just joined the community after participating at our 23-Jul-2006 face-to-face workshop at Stanford, brought up her request for the Ontolog to delve into the subject of "Database and Ontologiy." An almost unprecedented flurry of online responses were received from the community. It was decided that we could systematically pursue the subject by mounting a min-series on the matter at hand.    (TDJ)

A planning meeting for this mini-series took place on 31-Aug-2006. MatthewWest was invited to champion the effort, and a "Program & Technical Advisory Team" was formed, comprising MatthewWest (Lead), AdrianWalker, AtillaElci, ChrisPartridge, LeoObrst, PeterYim, SusieStephens & TatianaMalyuta.    (TDK)

See also: DatabaseAndOntology (the 'project' homepage for this mini-series)    (TDL)

The community is requested to contribute their thoughts by posting to [ontolog-forum] or to the DatabaseAndOntology wiki page (and/or its subpages). We hope to accumulate and synthesize the knowledge gathered and compile it into a written deliverable (a paper or even a handbook) that we could publish this collaboratively authored work to other relevant media and channels (like relevant conferences or the wikipedia.)    (TDM)

Agenda & Proceedings: "Database And Ontology" - Mini-series Session-4    (TDN)

Mr. Martin O'Connor, from Stanford Medical Informatics, presents: "Efficiently Querying Relational Databases using OWL and SWRL"    (TDO)

Topic: "Efficiently Querying Relational Databases using OWL and SWRL" by Mr. Martin O'Connor    (TDW)

http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/DatabaseAndOntology/2007-02-08_MartinOConnor/MartinOConnor_20070208.jpg [Mr. Martin O'Connor]    (TDX)

For the foreseeable future most data will continue to be stored in relational databases. To work with these data in OWL-based applications, tools and techniques that bridge the two models are required. Mapping all relational data to instances in an OWL knowledge base is often not practical, and is inappropriate in query-driven systems. To address this problem we have developed tools that allow the direct querying of relational data from OWL applications. We use OWL's rule language SWRL to express these queries. A number of optimizations are employed to ensure that this process is efficient and scales to large data sets.    (TDZ)

Mr. Martin O'Connor is a member of the Research Staff at Stanford Medical Informatics (SMI) of the Stanford University School of Medicine. Before joining SMI, Mr. O'Connor worked for several years at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y. At Stanford he was involved in the development of the EON system, a component-based architecture for developing decision support systems for guideline based care. Mr. O'Connor also developed the Chronus temporal query system, which has been used in a number of projects to perform temporal queries on biomedical data. Martin also coordinated the development of the BioSTORM, a research system to develop and evaluate intelligent systems for epedimic detection and characerization. In parallel with the BioSTORM efforts he is investigating the use of rules and query languages on the Semantic Web. Mr. O'Connor is currently developing the SWRLTab, an open source Protege-OWL-based development environment for the Semantic Web rule language (SWRL).    (TE1)

Questions, Answers & Discourse:    (TEC)

Audio Recording of this Session    (TEM)