[ontolog] Member Conference Call - Thu 2006-05-25 (NDJ)
Conference Call Details (NDK)
- Subject: [ontolog] member conference call Thu 2006-05-25 (NDL)
- Date: Thursday, May 25, 2006 (NDM)
- Start Time: 10:30 AM PDT / 1:30 PM EDT / 17:30 UTC World Clock (NDN)
- Expected Call Duration: 1 ~ 1.5 hour (NDO)
- Dial-in Number: 1-641-696-6600 (Iowa) (NDP)
- Participant Access Code: "686564#" (NDQ)
- Agenda Comments: (NDR)
- please post any suggested agenda items to the call wiki page and upload any material to be shared to the list, to the wiki or by WebDAV upload prior to the meeting (NDU)
- VNC session (if needed) will be started 5 minutes before the call at: http://vnc2.cim3.net:5800/ (NDV)
- Wiki page for this call (i.e. this page) is at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2006_05_25 (NDY)
Attendees (NDZ)
- Attended: (NE0)
- Expecting: (NE5)
- LisaColvin (NE3)
- ...(add your name here)... (NE6)
- Regrets: (NE7)
Agenda Ideas (candidate items to be adopted into the agenda for discussion) (NE8)
- BobSmith: discussions on the OntologTaxoThesaurus project to take it forward (NE9)
- PeterYim / EMichaelMaximilien: need to finalize on the "Ontologizing Ontolog Discussion Session-2" date (NKT)
- ...(add suggested items here)... (NEA)
Agenda & Proceedings (NEB)
1) Welcome & confirmation of agenda (NEC)
2) Appointment of secretary to take minutes (NEE)
3) Roll-call of participants (NEG)
4) Upcoming meeting & event schedule (near future) (NEI)
- PeterYim / EMichaelMaximilien: need to finalize on the "Ontologizing Ontolog Discussion Session-2" date (NKU)
- EMichaelMaximilien: will move the date to Jul 6, 2006 (NLI)
- Max will provide the title and abstract by Wed 5/31/06 ... that will also provide Max & Conor the grounding to invite people (NLM)
- Instead, on June 15, 2006, the OntologTaxoThesaurus team will put together a project work session ... soliciting domain experts to participate (NLJ)
- Scheduled Ontolog Events: (NEJ)
- Continuation of our "Ontologizing the Ontolog Body of Knowledge" series of talks & discussions - http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum//ontolog-forum/2006-05/msg00019.html (NEK)
- Thu Jun. 1, 2006 - MatthewWest - on "ISO 18876 - integration of industrial data for exchange access and sharing (IIDEAS)" - ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum//ontolog-forum/2006-04/msg00092.html & ConferenceCall_2006_06_01 (NEL)
- Thu 2006.06.15 - "Ontologizing the Ontolog Body of Knowledge" Discussion Session-2 - Moderators (organizers): EMichaelMaximilien & ConorShankey (NEM)
- Thu 2006.06.29 - TimRedmond - "Protege Architecture and API" (a session for applications developers) (NEN)
- Thu 2006.07.13 - PatCassidy - "From Controlled Vocabulary to Standard Ontologies" (from the perspective of a formal ontologist) (NEO)
- Thu 2006.07.23 - Ontolog F2F Meeting and Workshop colocated with the 9th Protege International Conference (Stanford, CA) - Organizers: BobSmith & KurtConrad (NEP)
- we'll hopefully be arranging more functions during this community F2F gathering and the almost weeklong Conference (NEQ)
- organizers now changed to BobSmith, KurtConrad & RexBrooks (NER)
- Thu 2006.08.10 - SOA Panel Discussion (covering SOA-RM & SOA-RA) - Moderators (organizers): DuaneNickull & RexBrooks (NES)
- Thu 2006.08.31 - Ontology Applications in Emergency Response Panel Discussion - Moderators (organizers): RexBrooks & BobSmith (NET)
- Upcoming Events of interest (NEU)
5) Communications, logistics, & work protocols issues - no discussion (NEV)
6) Follow-ups from previous calls (NEW)
- Engaging UN/CEFACT (NEX)
- Kurt: suggest we schedule a UN/CEFACT-ONTOLOG joint teleconference (hopefully on a Thursday) so that we can do a focused discussion (NEY)
- will need to follow-up with BillMcCarthy & AndersTell (NEZ)
- Rex: there will be a joint OASIS-ITU conference in Oct. 2006 (UN/CEFACT & ebXML is related somehow) (NF0)
- Kurt: suggest we schedule a UN/CEFACT-ONTOLOG joint teleconference (hopefully on a Thursday) so that we can do a focused discussion (NEY)
- Should we have a joint presence at OIS2006? - OIS2006: 1st International Workshop on Ontologizing Industrial Standards (NF1)
- this is exactly what we said we'll strive to do on our charter! - ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nidB (NF2)
- November 6-9, 2006 - Tucson, Arizona, USA - colocated with the 25th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2006) (NF3)
- see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum//ontolog-forum/2006-03/msg00020.html & http://events.deri.at/ois2006/ (NF4)
- EMichaelMaximilien is in contact with some of these people ... he can help relay questions if we have any (NF5)
- conflict with 5th International Semantic Web Conference (same week, but in Athens, Georgia) (NF6)
- abstract deadline is May 1, 2006 (so we still have some time to get organized if we want to really do something) (NF7)
- this is definitely relevant to us ... let's think things over and come back for more discussion at the next call (NF8)
7) Current Project Status Report (NF9)
- Status CctRepresentation and UblOntology project work (NFA)
- Status of ProtegeKIF project work (NFB)
- status of NHIN-RFI & Health-Ont project work (NFC)
- status of OntologTaxoThesaurus project work - see discussion under item 8 (NFD)
- UBL liaison report (NFE)
- SICoP / ONTAC liaison report (NFF)
- NCOR relationship - pending (NFG)
- Planning team report (NFH)
8) Key Issues discussion: (NFI)
- OntologWorkshop_July_2006 organizing committee report & discussion (NFJ)
- Ontolog Face to Face Workshop see http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologWorkshop_July_2006 (NKN)
- Key Dates and Expectations, Contingencies (May 29th deadline extensions?) (NKO)
- Recruiting efforts (NKP)
- Program Committee-Social Committee Logistics and Wiki Support (NKQ)
- Etc. (NKR)
- Denise will probably be able to join us at the July 23 face-to-face (NLC)
- Bob will arrange to send her an 'invitation' (NLD)
- Steve will consider having people from NIST come join us at the F2F (Rex suggests KC Morris, if possible) (NLK)
- Peter: will try to invite SRI people over, since they are going through an exercise rather similar to ours (which culminates in the 7/23 F2F) (NLL)
- had some discussion on cadidate participants to the 2F (NLN)
- may need to extend the 6/29 CFP (NLO)
- need to recruit a champion to work with Kurt and Rex for scheduling some social activities and otehr meetings (NLP)
- candidates: Stanford SMI, KSL; SRI-AI-Lab, EPRI, IBM-Almaden Research Center, PARC; company with DougEngelbart; (NLQ)
- Ontolog Face to Face Workshop see http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologWorkshop_July_2006 (NKN)
- OntologTaxoThesaurus project discussion (NFK)
- BobSmith: OntologTaxoThesaurus Progress and Challenges (NKH)
- Denise's earlier questions about Scope, Methods, Audience; (NKI)
- Progress report: Inventory, Sketch 1 of current "Wiki Taxonomy", Concept Abstraction, "Deliverables" (NKJ)
- see:
- see:
- Thesaurus Features needed for target audience(s)? (NKK)
- also DeniseBedford deliverables - see: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologizingOntolog/TaxoThesaurus/ (NKX)
- inventoried about 65,000 items -- http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologizingOntolog/TaxoThesaurus/ontolog-cwe-inventory-map_dbedford_20060514a.xls (NL1)
- raw concepts, with concept extraction tools) -- (NL2)
- http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologizingOntolog/TaxoThesaurus/Ontology_Concepts_Document_Subset--DeniseBedford_20060525.txt & (NL3)
- http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologizingOntolog/TaxoThesaurus/Ontolog_PowerPoint_Concept_Subset--DeniseBedford_20060525.txt (NL4)
- have yet to do this for the html files (NL5)
- will then categorize (NL6)
- and identify topics with domain experts (NL7)
- can then send them through a clustering tool (NL8)
- what shall/can we do with this? (NL9)
- Round-robin discussion of "What would you like to have...??" (NKL)
- Next Conf Call? (NKS)
- Etc. ... Other comments: (NKM)
- Rex: I think this captures a solid footing in a ground-up approach that gives us a sound viewpoint for developing a top down structure (NLG)
- BobSmith: OntologTaxoThesaurus Progress and Challenges (NKH)
9) New project proposals (NFL)
10) Sponsorship and funding (NFM)
11) Other business (NFN)
12) Next meeting date and adjourn (NFO)
- Our next meeting/call will be next Thu 2006.06.01 - with invited speaker MatthewWest - see: ConferenceCall_2006_06_01 (NFP)
- this call adjourned 11:43 am PDT (NFQ)
-- minutes captured in real time on this wiki by PeterYim / 2006.05.25-11:44am PDT (NFR)