KIF Formalization Workshop (lead by AdamPease) - 2004-02-26 (1BK)
- StatusCode Invoice. Status. Code "Identifies the status of the document with regard to change from its original state; 'original', 'copy', 'revision' or 'cancellation'. Original is as first sent; a copy is typically sent on request if the original has been misplaced; a revision is a document that contains a change from the original, e.g. new, deleted or amended item lines; cancellation is cancellation of whole document (for normal order changes and cancellations the respective documents should be used)" (1BM)
- note that "Invoice. Status. Code" no longer exists in UBL 1.0 Beta, I, therefore, change my exercise term to: (1BN)
- (1BP)
- (1BQ)
- UBL Name: InvoiceTypeCode (1BR)
- BBIE Dictionary Entry Name: Invoice. Invoice Type. Code (1BS)
- UBL Definition: identifies the type of the Invoice by a code. (1BT)
- pertinent nouns and verbs: invoice type code identifier (1BU)
- SUMO terms used: FinancialBill Attribute uniqueIdentifier (1BV)
- Adam: "Invoice" is actually available on MILO now, use that (1BW)
- Adam: will try to revise to (subclass Invoice Proposition) (1BX)
- (1BY)
- (1BZ)
- Have Instances: 'original', 'copy', 'revision', 'cancellation' (1C0)
- (instance original attribute) (1C1)
- Adam: to complete the exercise, one will only need to deevlop the KIF statements that defines these four instances (1C2)
- maybe, more appropriately "version" instead of "attribute" (1C3)
- "version" may need to be raised; or create something like "informationVersion" (1C4)
- Questions: (1C5)
- how do you represent a non-unique identifier? (1C6)
- Adam: use "name", ref: (subrelation uniqueIdentifier names) (1C7)
- although there should be some differences between "name" and "code" (1C8)
- Adam suggested that Pat could work on this (without creating new terms) and develop the axioms for uniqueIdentifier. That would be a good contribution to SUMO. (1C9)