Christopher Spottiswoode    (1VLA)

Metaset Close Corporation
South Africa

email:    (1VLB)

After a high school passion for physics, Christopher first spent a decade in South Africa and on a scholarship in Cambridge, UK, studying mathematics then philosophy, the final year lecturing in mathematics back in South Africa. The foundations of the Ontology Chemistry project, deriving from those studies, are laid during this decade, though their far-reaching significance was not immediately apparent to him.    (2Y1B)

He then had a two-decade career as Information System analyst, designer and programmer, living and working in or near Cape Town.    (2YBX)

He started in a large industrial conglomerate, where he rose within 3 years to become System Manager and next in line as CIO. Another 3 years and several pioneering and successful projects later, he went out on his own. During this time he distilled-out the still highly-relevant lessons of those projects into the earliest predecessor of Metaset, which is the still very much work-in-progress prototype of the Ontology Chemistry Application Operating System (AOS) concept he is currently promoting within the Ontolog Community.*    (2YBY)

He soon co-founded a small software company which grew to have branches in South Africa's other major centres too. Its main line of business became the selling, with full training and support, of application development tools. That included much involvement with both new application design and legacy application migration. 12 years and several further Metaset steps later, he sold his share of the company to its other co-founder and invested fully in his present career phase.    (2Y1C)

As you know, South Africa has long been a cosmopolitan political hotbed. So, also building on his earlier Civil Society involvements, he has spent the following two decades working on the psychologically- and socially-relevant integration, based on ontologies, of all the above-mentioned fields, the better for technology to help catalyse and support system interoperation and thereby human collaboration.    (2Y1D)

There is much more on the above on and its various linked pages.    (2Y1E)

For the present state of the project emerging from all that, you could quickly scan the rather dated home page of, but try to adapt it in your mind's eye to having not him but the Ontolog Community, or at least some of its members (still to volunteer...), taking over and driving the project until the project-enhanced open market has made that evolution fully democratic. (Much more is still to come on such hoped-for passings of the baton.)    (2Y1F)

A working page for the proposed "Ontology Chemistry" grand challenge project can be found at: /OntologyChemistry_WorkingDraft    (2YBP)