CCT Representation Knowledge Base    (N3)

The CCT Representation Knowledge Base seeks to document what is known about the Core Component Types and their representation in the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO). A mapping from CCT to SUMO has been performed.    (N4)

Representation Terms    (N5)

A Core Component Type (CCT) is a Core Component, which consists of one and only one Content Component , that carries the actual content plus one or more Supplementary Components giving an essential extra definition to the Content Component . Core Component Types do not have Business Semantics.    (N6)

CCTRepAmount    (N7)

CCTRepBinary    (N8)

About the CCTRep Knowledgebase    (N9)

This set of documents is sourced from a Compendium database managed by [ScottLHolmes]. All of the information in this knowledgebase was deconstructed and categorized into various "views". A master set of "views" was created that serialize or flatten the natural hiearchies that resulted. These serialized views were then exported to HTML and then further processed by a Visual Basic program that converts everything into Wiki formatted text using the guidelines listed in [TextFormattingRules] page.    (NA)

Making Changes    (NB)

To simplify the creation of further revisions to the document set, please annotate the text with requests for changes.    (NC)

Example: [ScottLHolmes] The wording "the first argument being an instance" is unclear, change to "Where the first argument is an instance".    (ND)

Abbreviations    (NE)

Certain abbreviations are used in this text. Where ever possible, the abbreviations are taken from either common usage or as specified in technical specifications.    (NF)

OC - Object Class    (NG)
PT - Primary Type    (NH)
PDT - Primative Data Type    (NI)

References    (NJ)

UN/CEFACT CCTS Version 2.01 Final The UN/CEFACT (United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business) Core Component solution described in this specification presents a methodology for developing a common set of semantic building blocks that represent the general types of business data in use today and provides for the creation of new business vocabularies and restructuring of existing business vocabularies.    (NK)

UN/CEFACT XML Naming and Design Rules This specification will form the basis for standards development work of technical experts developing XML schema specifications based on information models developed in accordance with the UN/CEFACT Core Components Technical Specification.    (NL)

Compendium Institute The Compendium Institute is an open forum for the ongoing development and dissemination of the Compendium methodology. Compendium has three key elements: a shared visual space where ideas can be generated and analyzed, a methodology that allows the exploration of different points of view, and a set of tools for quickly and easily sharing data both within and beyond the boundaries of the group.    (NM)

Compendium User Forum Compendium has an active user forum that discusses technical support issues and current Compenium events. Open to the public.    (NN)

Cross reference on RT and PDT The Registry of Concertedly Aligned Data Elements (The Central Registry) publishes this list of CCTS Representation terms and their associated Core Component Type and Primative Data Type.    (NO)

Credits    (NP)

Although we make every attempt to cite the correct author or agency, sometimes the actual source of information is not immediately apparent. In those cases, we will list additional credits below:    (NQ)

Business Process Management Ontology (BPMO) The Business Process Management Ontology (BPMO) brings together business process design, project management, requirements management, and business performance management (in the form of balanced scorecards). The BPMO has an extensive vocabulary built around ebXML and Core Components.    (NR)

BPMO Core Components OWL BPMO is a very large ontology. To deal with complexity, many of the concepts and terms have been segregated into sub-ontologies. The Core Components OWL is restricted to concepts primarily found in CCTS 2.01. Authorized Core Component Types are listed as individuals of various classes.    (NS)

XML Schema of CCT The Registry of Concertedly Aligned Data Elements has many resources directly related to the CCTS and ebXML. This link points to an online copy of an XML schema representation of the CCT. The introductory paragraph for the schema states that the recommended Core Component Types (CCTs) are created by customizing the CCTs provided by Core Components Technical Specification (CCTS) and UBL.    (NT)