Onuma EnergySmart RetroBIMs, Lavelle VROC, and the Open Floor Plan Display (OPFD) Standard - Fri 2011-02-04 11:00am PST (2MZG)
- Call Convener: Charles (Chuck) Brands (2MZI)
Please note anyone may edit the contents here through their Ontolog wiki account (if you don't have one it is easy to set one up). Please feel free to fix any errors in these notes or add additional comments. (2MZJ)
Attendees: (2N2R)
- Attended: (2MZK)
- ChuckBrands (2MZL)
- TobyConsidine (2MZM)
- Thomas (didn't catch last name) (2MZN)
- MichelleARaymond (2MZO)
- MikeLavelle (2MZP)
- DeborahMacPherson (2MZQ)
- DavidCoggeshall (2MZR)
- KimonOnuma (2MZS)
- Anticipated: (2MZT)
- BobSmith (2N2W)
- Chuck Brands (2MZU)
- DavidCoggeshall (2MZV)
- DeborahMacPherson (2MZW)
- FinithJernigan (2MZX)
- Kimon Onuma (2MZY)
- Mike Lavelle (2MZZ)
- TobyConsidine (2N00)
Agenda: (2N01)
- 5-10 minutes - Introductions (where needed). (2N02)
- 10 minutes - Toby introduces/discusses features/benefits of his proposed Building Systems Interface (BSI) and Energy Services Interface (ESI) standards and how they relate to OFPD, Onuma System, and Lavelle VROC. http://www.newdaedalus.com/articles/2011/1/25/bsi-part-3-the-metadata-problem.html (2N03)
- 10 minutes - David discusses his perspective on possible OFPD integration with Onuma (and Lavelle VROC for energy?) and reflects on proposed Toby's BSI and ESI standards. Open Floor Plan Display Whitepaper - June 09 (2N04)
- 10 minutes - Kimon reflects on his wish for "alignment" with OFPD, BSI/ESI, and Lavelle VROC and other standards/systems. (2N05)
- 5-10 minutes - Mike, Deborah, and Finith comments. (2N06)
- 11:45 - Toby departs? and others continue conversation? (2N07)
Presentations: (2N08)
Please note these notes are not exactly as spoken - if something was misrepresented please correct the note takers errors. (2N09)
- TobyConsidine (2N0A)
- Goal: Framework for mapping systems to spaces and spaces to floor plans (2N0B)
- Grid may have energy surplus and deficits (2N0C)
- We need to be able to cache energy and provide it to facilities as they require it (2N0D)
- We need to support energy negotiations between the providers and consumers at multiple levels (2N0E)
- Need to have building integration technologies that enable many systems to plug-and-play w/in the system quickly and effectively (2N0H)
- Assume every building is a micro-grid with a fixed budget (2N0I)
- People occupy space and when they impact a systems' energy use they want to know what spaces will be impacted or when they are in a space they want to know what systems serve that space (2N0L)
- Services provided in terms of space and visible via floor plans (2N0M)
- DavidCoggeshall (2N0N)
- Goal: Open Floor Plan Display / eXchange for exchange of floor plan and situation/space data (2N0O)
- Began floor plan work in the 1990s for Genentec (2N0Q)
- Want to provide 2D lightweight interactive space menuing/navigation system (2N0W)
- Also working Common Operation Picture and GIS w/ Google maps and location awareness tools (2N0Z)
- Provide a simple map of building floor plans to show location of triggered actuators, hazardous materials and other relevant space data (2N10)
- Advancements could come through the wider community participation in an open collaborative (2N11)
- Need to be a plain vanilla way to represent a 2D floor plan that could provide some really powerful features of information access and display (2N12)
- About the current prototype (2N13)
- Through Prosidio alliance got funding to look at energy costs for the 500 buildings on the site (2N17)
- Working to exchange information by space identifier, classification or name for the location and overlay data (2N1A)
- looking for a best practices to provide a 2D-floorplan with added data (2N1B)
- Need 1 or 2 sites w/ significant sq footage and real-estate to step up as an exemplar case-study for a prototype showcase that will demonstrate the value very quickly and dramatically (2N1C)
- preferable med-size campus with a few large, medium and small buildings w/ overall sq ft > 100,000 (2N1D)
- KimonOnuma (2N1E)
- Started Onuma system w/ SVG but ran into cross platform environments (2N1F)
- Onuma system will utilize both SVG and Flash (2N1I)
- Standards dev in bSA and IFC (2N1J)
- worked w/ OGC for web services demonstration that connected BIM and GIS data (2N1K)
- Consider IFC too complicated for simple connection system for use in web services (2N1L)
- A plain-vanilla display will still want to have connection back to BIM (2N1M)
- Both BIM and GIS data is important for a portfolio level view for management and planning (2N1N)
- Currently working with California Community College districts (2N1O)
- have 180 campuses with about 60 million sq ft. (2N1P)
- they want air conditioner room level data live on the web standardized throughout California (2N1Q)
- Onuma Planning System now connects down to the room level for some facilities now and would like to expand to all the campuses (2N1R)
- they also have GIS data with the footprints of buildings and property lines for campuses for all the California campuses (2N1S)
- One of these campuses may work well for the exemplar case-study (2N1T)
- Work w/ Mike Levelle requires a web service that is simple and lightweight to connect with sensor data Need to collaborate to achieve a scalable solution (2N1U)
Discussion: (2N1V)
Once again, please edit this if corrections or clarifications are needed. (2N1W)
MikeLevelle: Need IP as our connectivity method (2N1X)
TobyConsidine: Space and Energy Usage visualization Example: rooms color coded on floor plan by energy consumption. where the uses could see that there room was coded red while others were green. (2N1Y)
MikeLevelle: Communication via graphical objects that gain the attention of the people who have to use and manage the system Take advantage of components that are out there Add a social component to this with a compelling graphic (2N1Z)
TobyConsidine: Energy is space based - if people can't see it they can't understand it Green registrar - for classroom use how do you know what systems are serving that space in HVAC, lighting, etc... Example: By classroom number which air handlers and air zones are turned on (2N20)
ChuckBrands: Issue of HVAC is designed around zones and people usage is around rooms (2N21)
ChuckBrands: WS-Calendar to add in scheduling on how the rooms are supposed to be used Scheduling of HVAC based on room usage patterns (2N22)
DavidCoggeshall: Want a profile of building and what the expected load is which is a function of your scheduling and usage patterns (2N23)
MikeLevelle: Modeling a building first against interval data for the past year to determine peak loads and usage patterns (energy profile) (2N24)
TobyConsidine: National Renewable Energy Labs are working on Live Energy Models but need loose light energy models that are good enough (2N25)
MikeLevelle: Live Energy Model has a lot of merit At a school w/ one meeting on a Sunday and the school was using 600kW which is enough energy to light up 150 homes. So can't just model what it "should be", need to monitor actual load even just at the total building level (2N26)
DavidCoggeshall: A simple model of just the spaces against load usage will give you a lot of data to do monitoring against expectations (2N27)
TobyConsidine: We are talking about both an analysis tool with visualization and a decision support tool for decision support Example: Looking at Plug Load Mapping of equipment to spaces we would want to be able to consume the data available and display it within the spatial context (2N28)
DavidCoggeshall: Floor plan visualization will help people understand how energy is consumed Open Floor plan will also help them to get around the buildings, to find people, to know where to help the fire-fighters (2N29)
TobyConsidine: Open Floor Plan is spot on for the lightweight front end To get Open Floor Plan right we need to think about how it can be made redeployable in different disciplines with support for bringing in the data specific to each domain usage This doesn't have to be "right" in the first pass, it can evolve (2N2A)
DavidCoggeshall: Open Floor Plan is web browser viewable with behaviors by layer or object using CSS One of the challenges is how to make it flexible to work across communities (2N2B)
KimonOnuma: Start with the data that is available and we bring in building drawings as they are available - raster, vector, BIM or whatever is available Our passion is "lets just implement it" Triage the data you have and start working with it today because you are bleeding to death - so put out what is possible today (2N2C)
DavidCoggeshall: Can start with a retro-fitted slim BIM Visualization for operation, for services, and for monitoring Provide a quick easy to understand 2D or 3D visualization of energy to space for the various users (2N2D)
TobyConsidine: We are doing the COBie of BIM COBie is a series of spreadsheets for equipment and schedules Now we want to do that for spaces as a very-light BIM from big-BIM or retro-BIM or what ever is currently available to become the operating BIM for what you need to make operation decisions (2N2E)
KimonOnuma: We stripped the IFC down to BIMXML as a lightweight BIM bSA is starting to prototype "simple IFC" Suggest looking at BIMXML as a format (2N2F)
TobyConsidine: GB-XML is becoming the de facto method for exchange of lightweight engineering information between design systems and for energy data for LEED (2N2G)
ChuckBrands: For case studies consider East Side Public Safety Center Extension of Victor Valley Community College Right across the street, United Green is putting up a building for a new school called Green Smart Technical College My dream is to train Veterans and others on practices and processes to go out to buildings to add sensors and monitor them May be able to use the combined college campuses in Open Floor Plan effort (2N2H)
DavidCoggeshall: Deborah MacPherson is head of Open Floor Plan for bSA (2N2I)
DeborahMacPherson: I need a follow on conversation w/ Kimon regarding bSA...Just finishing up article for JBIM on web services (2N8U)
Next Steps: (2N2M)
---- initial notes provided by MichelleARaymond on 09 February, 2011 (2N2P)