Expected Attendees:    (1HBV)

Agenda Our proposed Agenda consider how we can develop a Framework for service performance, given our mutual interests and unique perspectives around several core domains, Including but NOT restricted to: Geospatial, Building, Emergency, Preparedness information exchange frontiers.    (1HBJ)

1. Introductions    (1HBK)

BobSmith - Need to connect the grass roots concerns of environmental assessment legal queries (Water, Air, Housing, Transportation, Climate Change) process/projects in SurfCity Huntington Beach, California to the potentials in OCCS, BIMS, BIMStorm, and FIATECH for answering these queries. Need much greater awareness of service performance opportunities at local and state governments and businesses. Also have opportunities to demonstrate the practical use of BSP framework at local levels. Interested in templates for building templates.    (1HH2)

DeborahMacPherson - Specifications and research for WDG Architecture, prolific production of architectural information and buildings, mainly in DC. Interested in classifications and data structures. NBIMS Consensus and MIG team. Accuracy&Aesthetics, nonprofit interested in mapping data and how people, and machines, understand complex information.    (1HH3)

MichelleRaymond - interest in architecture specifically function, work with Honeywell as research scientists in building automation, services for buildings, energy management, security and safety, egress. Primary interest is connecting with external services, particularly emergency response. Understanding the content of the building and how it works. How to help emergency responders make decisions. Web services and test beds.    (1HH4)

RexBrooks - Starbourne communications design, also in OASIS in emergency management technical committee have developed several communications specifications for emergency response, resource messaging. Associated with Ontolog for a while, most work requires some framework or structure that requires an ontology as you move up and down the structure. Also associated with Integrated Response Services Consortium(IRIS), working towards becoming a formal organization, working on a SOA to implement OASIS reference architecture. All plays into the fact the SOA RR now has 3 domains, adding Building Information Model and Control System.    (1HH5)

TobyConsidine - OASIS oBIX technical committee, integrating the non-integratable. How the building understands itself. At University of North Carolina and can work with their buildings, each project is subcontracted extensively. What about ontology of building systems? Higher level abstract interface to building systems. What they think they provide do not actually provide. There is no real framework. Figure out which services to actually provide. How can you tell if a system is doing something? What do owners want? Will provide framework to build dashboards to accommodate mixed technologies. Make what buildings do be more important to facility managers. Framework to compare across vendors, across brands, across technologies to identify as business functions rather than ASHRAE standards. Giving the owners real actual decisions, same with operations. Also champion for FIATECH, interested in self-repairing facilities and building analytics. Refer to FIATECH roadmap.    (1HH6)

FinithJernigan - Architect in Design Atlantic, started in BIM 1989, tend to work behind the scenes helping clients and others learn what BIM is all about. Primary players on Coast Guard's attempt to do exactly what Toby refers to connect business metrics to facility metrics. Making strategic. Involved with AIA realizing BIM was more than CAD, sat in with GSA when they made a requirement. Have worked with Kimon Onuma 6 years and have been on these development teams. Jump into integrating other peoples databases. Our project is fire station prototype to drop all over the country. Used as a model for lots of situations from small towns to urban. Gotten to the point of making a tool for fire departments to site stations and maximize response time. Use tools like from BIMstorm to plan better. Literally one or two fire stations as opposed to municipals. Started the BIM education co-op for much broader group of people. Getting regular newspaper and television coverage to reach broader audience. Author of Big BIM, Little BIM.    (1HH7)

WalterBlack - cable documentation for cable infrastructure, NCS standards and NBIMS. Concerned about layer 1 infrastructure in communications world, most tools are at layer 3 logical layer, there is no way of getting a signal. Designing signal paths, get rid of unused cables, looking at how to adapt 3D BIM model over last 17 years trying to interface with other BIM tools so customers who are integrators can use.    (1HH8)

DickBates - director of virtual buildings, interested in how it comes together. Full service company including finance, owner, operator, construction, architecture looking to tie together and what values are in it? Seeing in 3D but now adding information into it. To assure Owner's have done research in energy efficiency have actually provided then the building controls do measure.    (1HH9)

2. Discussions of Wiki Page Content (Esp. Mission Statement Options)    (1HBL)

3. BSP Framework Planning Questions and Issues    (1HBM)

Feedback from sensors versus keeping temperature within a particular range    (1HHE)

Maintaining a computer system to log this information    (1HHF)

The building services owners want to buy versus the nuts and bolts of the system    (1HHG)

Going past the semantics of the control systems - how to compare?    (1HHH)

Service, grid response, market space, regulatory frameworks    (1HHI)

Tracking the lifecycle cradle to cradle    (1HHJ)

Places people live, work, play and entertain themselves    (1HHK)

BIM education - can't grow fast if not made available so rotary clubs understand    (1HHL)

Focused variations on the BIMstorm    (1HHM)

What questions do others have about buildings    (1HHN)

Publication of architectural information, liabilities, in simplified version for local jurisdiction    (1HHO)

The upfront pieces are what more people can use after the building is built    (1HHP)

Look at for LEED    (1HHQ)

Nobody cares about the details like the flashing, they just want it to be some service function    (1HHR)

Make people more certain of outcomes and what they are going to get    (1HHS)

Therefore entire process is likely to be approved    (1HHT)

Would let people see the consequences of their decisions.    (1HHU)

Political ramifications to approval, providing a service that takes the pain out of getting things done    (1HHV)

Different trades, schools, disciplines = each have a technical component    (1HHW)

Things have not developed enough to move through the entire process, need to work with construction, suppliers, engage building owner also system management through rest of the lifecycle EX: HVAC system energy management is also lighting, maybe security, there may be redundancy they don't need at their level. Tying into multiple areas of the building from the blueprint, getting the information in and out expediently.    (1HHX)

People who do things in the built world, versus architect and engineer, care about saving money or increasing revenues. "Metering by Tenant" and that job is done    (1HHY)

Turn into services that provide value.    (1HHZ)

What is going to help them. Describing the benefits - time scrolling through the fire panel    (1HI0)

Structure of the documents themselves, presented in a way that connects.    (1HI1)

Not deployed in Revit, underlying planning tools, for example see Onuma placing orders, doing shop cuts Still alot of work in normalizing the data to be truly interoperable.    (1HI2)

People still don't know what is available.    (1HI3)

Operations, how building information works ongoing, the guy who bids and installs are a long way a way from the designers. How does it actually connect?    (1HHA)

Define the performance rules - how to describe the performance rules to meet the services the owner requires    (1HHB)

For that kind of service, this is how you can recognize the building is doing this so data can be served up in that format    (1HHC)

Continuously commissioning buildings, making knowledge based decision.    (1HHD)

Detailed interface specifications, at the level can we define what the IDMs look like?    (1HID)

A designer can specify almost as soon as they finish massing, validate real life details. Talking about the same. The Coast Guard has an 8 level process to handle the granularity. 1,2,3 are not of interest to this group, 7 and 8 are. But all levels need to communicate together.    (1HIE)

Got to look at all the levels, cross talk is a BIMstorm advantage, a structured way with mirrored standards EX: BOMA to the city building inspector in the health department.    (1HIF)

4. Next Steps    (1HBN)

Brief from the Coast Guard, regarding roadmap    (1HI4)

FIATECH self maintaining facility, capitol projects, understanding what your getting from building    (1HI5)

Get OPS licenses - as part of work objectives - 2 weeks to start this to connect to the goals, come up with a better fire station template, July 21-25 and take to Huntington Chamber of Commerce.    (1HI6)

Look at specific tasks and getting clear on definitions.    (1HI7)

Examples of some whole buildings to play with services to access and protect certain kinds of data. EX can't get down to pieces, going through IFC's XML. Examples at that lower level are necessary.    (1HI9)

Interface - to the building information, Michelle is working with NIST and NEMA but don't have good examples to really show information at lower levels to interact with.    (1HIA)

Dave Hammond at Coast Guard could provide at almost any granularity. Need to protect the data itself.    (1HIB)

Can use "generic" in this open forum. Treat real existing buildings with confidentiality.    (1HIC)

5. Open Items    (1HBO)

MISSION: Connecting information resources for building service performance. Defining how to describe the performance requirements.    (1HI8)

6. Next Meeting (Same time, in two weeks on May 23, 2008, 10am PST?)    (1HCH)

Our BSP Project Wiki is http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?BuildingServicePerformance    (1HBP)

=== Deborah's Example Project    (1HCP)

Conference Call Details:    (1HBQ)

Date: Friday, May 09, 2008    (1HBR)

 Start Time: 10:00 AM Pacific Daylight Savings Time 
 End Time: 10:55 AM Pacific Daylight Time    (1HBS)

Dial-in Number: 1-605-475-6300 (Midwest)    (1HBT)

Access Code: 58284    (1HBU)