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[uos-convene] Unable to attend

To: Upper Ontology Summit convention <uos-convene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Aldo Gangemi <aldo.gangemi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Enrico Motta <e.motta@xxxxxxxxxx>
From: Nicola Guarino <guarino@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 22:26:21 +0200
Message-id: <6A559B83-AB56-4DCD-AAFC-F702998DE630@xxxxxxxxxx>

unfortunately I missed today's telecon. I am traveling in Germany, and was unable to connect.

Concerning the joint communique, I will be happy to review it once a new version has been drafted along the suggestions made by Mike Uschold.

I have briefly reported the UOS meeting conclusions at the kickoff meeting of a new European project, NeON (www.neon-project.org), whose main goal is to develop a new-generation infrastructure for dealing with multiple, networked ontologies. In particular, the project will develop tools and methodologies for modeling and reasoning on formal links between ontologies, as well as supporting collaborative design and reuse of ontologies.

Despite the project doesn't pay a specific attention to upper-level ontologies, certainly its expected results will be of interest for the people who share the UOS conclusions. In addition, we agreed that the ontologies presented at the UOS would be in principle an excellent case study for the NeON project. However, the project has already two very concrete case studies involving domain ontologies, so it will be difficult to allocate specific resources to study the "internetworking" of upper ontologies. I'll do my best to promote all the possible synergies, though. I am copying this message to Enrico Motta, who is the project coordinator, and to Aldo Gangemi, who is in charge of the workpackage on "Collaborative aspects for networked ontologies".



Nicola Guarino
Co-Editor in Chief, Applied Ontology (IOS Press)
Head, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), ISTC-CNR
Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
National Research Council 
Via Solteri, 38                       
I-38100 Trento

phone:     +39 0461 828486
secretary: +39 0461 436641
fax:       +39 0461 435344
email:     guarino@xxxxxxxxxx

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