[ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only - please do not share
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"[ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only - please
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Oops, I've shared this and mods of the Project Summary with
Michael Bodenaro, who has been introduced to Ken and to Peter,
but not consented to by the team for participation. (03)
Please forgive.
I now request consent. (04)
Below is a copy of the introduction of Mike to Ken. I realize now
that I did not copy the message to the full list. My fault. (05)
Best regards, (06)
Michelle Raymond (07)
Ken, (08)
I'd like to introduce you to Michael Bordenaro, Co-Founder of the BIM
Education Co-op. (09)
Micheal is dedicated to using his education and experience to help
people build a better world through collaboration. His knowledge of
the complexity in data-rich domains, marketing and publishing lead to
forming an education co-operative. The co-op provides technology
education products and services to meet the growing need for BIM
education to a variety of audiences. (010)
The BIM Education Co-op™ has achieved award-winning success by
combining the experience of building industry experts with editorial
and education experts who focus on the building industry.
Ken, you wrote that "making the vision [of an open ontology
repository] a reality requires additional supporting resources." Two
critical resources needed to ensure adoption and sustainment are: 1)
ongoing multi-community cooperation and collaboration and 2) ongoing
educational outreach. I see Michael as well positioned to establish a
comprehensive outreach program that facilitates collaboration and
provides critical educational programs. (011)
Additionally, Michael brings connections to sources of
built-environment data and metadata. (012)
Note: I would like to suggest an addition (shown in square brackets)
to the following line in the Executive Summary.
"We propose to develop an open ontology repository (OOR) of
controlled vocabularies and knowledge models that have been encoded in
RDF, OWL, [Industry Foundation Classes] and other knowledge
representation languages." (see background information item I for a
paper describing IFC as knowledge representation within the Semantic
Web) (013)
Finally, I think we should blatantly extort Michael's skills as an
editor for review and polish of the initial proposal. (014)
OK, that last part goes beyond a proper introduction, so I turn it
over to the two of you to connect further, determine fit for this
proposal and potentially agreeable roles. Here is Mike's contact
data: (015)
Michael Bordenaro
BIM Education Co-op™
Chicago, Illinois
(773) 252 5888
www.BIMeducation.com (016)
Note: I have not shared your full Executive Summary write-up with
Michael. The information shared with Michael and his responses are
noted below (see background information item II). (017)
Best regards, (018)
Michelle (019)
P.S. I'll send my comments on the Executive Summary in a subsequent message. (020)
Background information:
I) Extract from abstract (just down-loaded the paper, not yet read)
which touches on the Industry Foundation Classes use in BIM as a
Knowledge Representation.
II) Forwarded clips of email between Mike and myself regarding
proposal participation.
A) Mike's initial interest
B) Michelle's follow-up with a copy of her early and incomplete
view on the proposal
C) Mike's response with expression of intense interest in participation (021)
I) Jakob Beetz, Jos van Leeuwen, and Bauke de Vries, "TOWARDS A
MODELS IN A SEMANTIC WEB CONTEXT", Joint International Conference on
Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, June
14-16, 2006 - Montréal, Canada. (022)
One of the classic problems identified in the interdisciplinary use of
Building Information
Models (BIM) is the different representation requirements regarding
topology (Eastman
1999). Although this problem has been addressed in several modeling
efforts (Augenbroe
1995) the most widely spread BIM to date (IFC) does not bridge one of
the essential gaps,
namely that between geometry-centered (used by most generic CA(A)D
applications) versus
topological space-centered models (used by energy performance tools). (023)
Based on a previously developed Description Logic representation of
the IFC model
notated in OWL (Beetz, de Vries, van Leeuwen 2005), we describe the
ongoing development
of an online reasoning service to demonstrate the practical use of the
Semantic Web tool
chain... (024)
Building information modeling, semantic web, knowledge engineering,
agent systems,
interoperability." (025)
II) Forwarded conversations (026)
A) Mike's initial interest
Subject: Re: Open Ontology Repository NSF proposal
On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 11:29 PM, <MBordenaro@xxxxxx> wrote:
> "Michelle Raymond" <michellearaymond@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Are you interested in joining on this proposal with perhaps a focus on
>>the Sustainability/Education viewpoint?
> Michelle,
> Yes!
> It is easy to so that an Ontology Repository is a perfectly appropriate
>umbrella project that would allow the successful creation of a Sustainable
>Digital Data Preservation and Access Network Partners (DataNet.)
> The request for proposal requires the resulting "product" to be reusable in
>many areas and a properly structured Ontology Repository for one application
>can be applied in other areas.
> I don't know if you are focusing on a repository for the entire building
>industry or [a narrower or broader use], but it doesn't matter. I am
> Let me know how the Co-op can help.
> Best regards,
> Mike
> Michael Bordenaro
> Co-Founder
> BIM Education Co-op™
> Chicago, Illinois
> (773) 252 5888
> www.BIMeducation.com
> BIM Coordinator
> Boston GreenFest 2009
> (027)
B) Michelle's follow-up with a copy of her early and incomplete view
on the proposal
Subject: Re: Open Ontology Repository NSF proposal (incomplete draft of message)
From: Michelle Raymond <michellearaymond@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 6:54 PM
To: MBordenaro@xxxxxx (028)
The DataNet's initial domains for the content access is of less
importance to the group of proposers and (so it is my impression) to
the NSF funders. The point is to create and show sustainability of
the DataNet infrastructure, where that infrastructure may be used as
the foundation of another DataNet to preserve and access other domains
or fields of information. This requires that we provide a framework
ontology for: 1) not the specific data accessible through the DataNet
- but the for description of the data types, as it is likely that new
data types will be added or may differ between domains; 2) the
concepts and components of a working DataNet. Note that this is not an
object model of components within the software. (029)
Software component concepts may be included in the framework ontology,
but most importantly the concepts to 'manage' (generate, maintain,
utilize and safeguard) the sustainable DataNet must be represented.
Thus, to support any domain content and enable both domain independent
and domain specific management, ways to represent associations
(logical constructs), processes and associated rule sets, in addition
to roles and capabilities of human and computational entities are
necessary. (030)
At the level of domain's, it is key to show that more than one
domain's field of information can be accessed and available for
integration within a single DataNet. The main constraints on
selecting the two or three domains for knowledge preservation are: 1)
two of the domains must fall under the jurisdiction of different
directorates within NSF, 2) there must be a substantial amount of data
for inclusion in the DataNet and 3) the domains must be suitably broad
in scope (ex: DNA sequencing may have lots of data but is far to
specific. Biology is a broad domain. Environmental is a broad domain.
Hmmm... perhaps, we sould showcase 'environment' as being not just
impact on the planet but all of eco-systems, including human
habitation, buildings and facilities, ... - ah, Eco-environments? (031)
C) Mike's response with expression of intense interest in participation
From: <MBordenaro@xxxxxx>
Date: Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 8:26 AM
To: "\"Michelle Raymond\"" <michellearaymond@xxxxxxxxx> (032)
...3) the domains must be suitably broad in scope (033)
... perhaps, we should showcase 'environment' as being not just impact
on the planet but all of eco-systems, including human habitation,
buildings and facilities, ... - ah, Eco-environments?> (034)
Michelle, (035)
There is no difficulty having domains with a broad scope...and we can
show it with BIM. (036)
"Environment" is the proper umbrella. Perhaps - System Environments is
the top level followed by only two categories, Natural Environments
and (Human-)Built Environments. (037)
Using BIM to show the sustainability of the data environments that
interconnect the Natural Environments and the Built Environments will
show how we sustain the real interconnections. (038)
At least that is what I am working towards. (039)
It would be nice to get a grant to fund this common goal. (040)
Take me to your leader(s), (041)
Mike (042)
Michael Bordenaro
BIM Education Co-op™
Chicago, Illinois
(773) 252 5888
www.BIMeducation.com (043)
BIM Coordinator
Boston GreenFest 2009 (044)
Message Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/oor-nsf07601/
Shared Files: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/community/project/OOR/nsf07601/
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OpenOntologyRepository_Proposal/Nsf_07601 (045)