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[oor-forum] Fwd: Urgent! - options on the OOR_SandBox support for the SO

To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Ali SH <asaegyn+out@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 06:11:39 -0400
Message-id: <CADr70E3sKHFrraev18NmjBELUGaTPpV6+-PB3jf=sXNYsTSbCQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Here are the logos without curved corners. They match the BioPortal colour gradient as best as I could, via sight (the eyedrop wasn't working on the bioportal image in Inkscape).

Inkscape claims that the fill on the dark side is: 0d285f
The colour on the light gradient is: 5e95ce

The font used is Gill Sans MT

The box surrounding the banner is 126x43 px
The box surrounding the acronym is 50x67px


Attachment: OORBoxBanner.svg
Description: image/svg

Attachment: OORBoxBanner.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: OORAcrBox.svg
Description: image/svg

Attachment: OORBoxAcronym.png
Description: PNG image

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  • [oor-forum] Fwd: Urgent! - options on the OOR_SandBox support for the SOCoP presentation (late Sep-2011), Ali SH <=