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[oor-forum] Fwd: [protege-discussion] Protege 3.4.7 Patch Release

To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 04:38:05 -0700
Message-id: <CAGdcwD3ASLhnJEtyznr0359PHSfm8YB2bY-5bMHEEnMpugh+qA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Fyi ...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jennifer Vendetti" <vendetti@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Jul 18, 2011 2:12 PM
Subject: [protege-discussion] Protege 3.4.7 Patch Release
To: "User support for Core Protege and the Protege-Frames editor" <protege-discussion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

We've posted an update to the 3.4 release (version number 3.4.7, build 620).

Download URL:

If you haven't registered to use Protege, please do so before
downloading this patch release.

Registration URL: http://protege.stanford.edu/download/register.html

Core Protege
- Fixed a problem that caused a warning dialog to appear each time
Protege started.

- Fixed a bug that caused newly created and renamed instances in OWL
ontologies to be displayed with the original name (only present in
client-server mode).

- Added the serialVersionUID to all serializable classes in
protege-core, owl, and a number of plug-ins (standard-extensions,
protege-pellet-reasoner, rdf-backend, change-management,
change-analysis, protege-collab, chat, prompt, lucene-query,
bioportal-reference-plug). This will improve compatibility between
different versions of Protege servers and clients.

BioPortal Reference Plug-in
- Updated the BioPortal Reference Plug-in to work with the latest
release of NCBO BioPortal [1], which now requires a mandatory argument
be appended to all REST calls (read more [2]).

BioPortal Import Plug-in
- The BioPortal Import Plug-in is now bundled with the default Protege
installation. It is integrated into the OWL Classes tab as an extra
button that allows importation of classes or class sub-tress from
ontologies stored in NCBO BioPortal. The plug-in is highly configurable,
and supports importation of class properties, e.g., labels, synonyms,
definitions, and metadata, e.g., import author, timestamp, source
ontology, etc. (read more [3]). New versions will be downloadable from
the plug-in's wiki page.

BioPortal Java API
- The BioPortal Java API used by both the BioPortal Reference and Import
plug-ins was modified to be less sensitive to NCBO BioPortal service
changes. The API is documented [4] on the Protege wiki.

A web-based version of the release notes is available on the Protege
wiki [5].

Best Regards,
The Protege Team

[1] http://bioportal.bioontology.org/
[2] http://protegewiki.stanford.edu/wiki/BioPortal_Reference_Plugin
[3] http://protegewiki.stanford.edu/wiki/BioPortal_Import_Plugin
[5] http://protegewiki.stanford.edu/wiki/Protege_3.4.7_Release_Notes

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